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iCIS Release Notes v4.x

This document contains release notes for iCore Integration Suite.

General notes
  1. Always check if a system update (major or minor) is needed after install.
  2. Starting with v4.0 SQL Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported. For a complete list of system requirements see Technical requirements.

iCPS v4.5.1

iCPS v4.5.1 RTM

Release date: 2024-03-11 (Cloud)


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
EntitiesCompile is added as new User Group permission. It applies to Component definitions (Adapterflows, Scripts, Web APIs, Web service clients and Workflows). Users with the Edit permission will be granted Compile automatically on upgrade.69264
DeveloperScripts can now be opened as read-only in the Developer if the User only has the Read permission.69265
AdministratorThe command for editing a Component definition (Adapterflow/Script/Web API/Workflow) in each respective editor is renamed "Open [...]" and only require that the User has the Read permission.69267
FrameworkWhen entity properties are modified, the original value is now recorded in the audit log.71419
WorkflowClean-up Tracking Activity now supports deleting Node data in parallel, and provides options for additional retry handling if errors occur during a batch.72043, 72555
Workflow ActivitiesUnzip Workflow activity has new argument 'Extract empty directories'. When set to 'true', any empty directories from the Zip archive will also be extracted.74076
Script and functionsQuickUnzip function has new parameter 'ExtractEmptyDirectories'. When set to 'True_Value', any empty directories from the Zip archive will also be extracted.74076

Removed functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
DatabaseSupport for MS SQL Server 2012 is removed. iCore Integration Suite now requires SQL Server 2016 or later.58277
CmdletsGet-iCorePaths cmdlet is no longer available.60533

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
Entities and filtersEntity filter grouping by date and time properties use UTC time instead of the system time zone.57690
FrameworkUninstalling Movex/M3 iCore drivers does not completely remove the driver files from the disk.

Note, however, that drivers that are already installed still need to be removed manually by deleting the files 'MvxSock.dll' and 'MvxSockX_SVR.dll' from the 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64' directory before installing a different version.
Entities and filtersEntity filter grouping by property 'Lock time' on Components does not include the whole day, and the filter result for each group is always empty.68916
Sysadm utilityAn unnecessary confirmation prompt appears when the user attempts to create or update an iCore system with an unsupported SQL Server Version.70265
Runtime and ServiceWorker Host Manager enters failed state and Worker Hosts are orphaned, if ServerStartupOrphanPolicy is set to "KillWorkerHosts" and the Worker Host Job is set to "Lost".70880
Runtime and ServiceThe Job Manager may stop processing Jobs when the primary Application pool is full, an asynchronous Job is first in the queue, and if a secondary Application pool is configured on the Component and all running Jobs are waiting on synchronous Jobs that are in the queue after the asynchronous Job.70881
Runtime and ServiceTemporary Worker Hosts are automatically closed if no Job execution request is received within a specified time frame (default 90 seconds).70884
Web API EditorA Web API Component definition created with 'Save As' has a host version always set to 2 (Latest), which leads to errors in the code if the original version is 1 (Legacy).72206
Administrator'Export encrypted' entities from Administrator does not work.73149
Runtime and serviceThere is a security vulnerability in an underlying package.74560

Known issues for iCPS v4.5.1 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) may generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Runtime and ServiceReconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Runtime and ServiceWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue applies to Workflows and Adapterflows.30942
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the URL contains the entity key.40872
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets may fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>). Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Web API EditorDocumenting Web API with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
FrameworkMail messages downloaded via POP3 Object with options MailGetUidl or MailGetSize do not contain the correct values for these options.55186
Runtime and ServiceExisting Scripts using HTTP Client Object with SSL/TLS may stop working after upgrade. Error message: [Failed to send data to server using POST method; CommunicationException: [Error when sending HTTP Post request. Additional info: Invalid SSL version Error code: 0.]] This may occur in Scripts where HTTP Client Object is used with Protocol property set to "secprotAuto". On HTTP Client Object in Scripts, use the put_Protocol method to explicit point out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3.56394
WorkflowsWorkflows that contain a custom reference to the assembly 'System.Net.Http, Version=' can only be compiled in Workflow Designer if the specified assembly version is not installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The assembly is automatically (and incorrectly) resolved to version in the Workflow Designer, which is why the Workflow can still be compiled.

Workaround: Open the Workflow in the Workflow Designer and save it, and the version will be replaced with which is installed with the .NET framework.

Administrator v4.5.1 RTM

Release date: 2024-03-11 (Cloud)


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

"Save to file" button in Stylesheet dialog is not aligned properly.56438
Azure AD group permissions for available tools are not combined when the user is a member of two or more groups.59108
Copy text from field in entity property grid doesn't work properly if drag selected with mouse.71405

iCPS v4.4.1

iCPS v4.4.1 SP 3

Version: 4.4.566.103
Release date: 2024-09-16 (On-prem)


Please read the Known issues before installing!


There are no bug fixes or new features in this version of iCore Process Server.

Administrator v4.4.1 SP 3

Version: 4.4.567.103
Release date: 2024-09-16 (On-prem)

Bug fixes

Minor bug fixes in iCore Adminstrator.78815

iCPS v4.4.1 SP 2

Version: 4.4.531.102
Release date: 2024-06-05 (On-prem)


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
FrameworkWhen entity properties are modified, the original value is now recorded in the audit log.71419

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
Sysadm utilityAn unnecessary confirmation prompt appears when the user attempts to create or update an iCore system with an unsupported SQL Server Version.70265
Runtime and ServiceWorker Host Manager enters failed state and Worker Hosts are orphaned, if ServerStartupOrphanPolicy is set to "KillWorkerHosts" and the Worker Host Job is set to "Lost".70880
Runtime and ServiceThe Job Manager may stop processing Jobs when the primary Application pool is full, an asynchronous Job is first in the queue, and if a secondary Application pool is configured on the Component and all running Jobs are waiting on synchronous Jobs that are in the queue after the asynchronous Job.70881
Runtime and ServiceTemporary Worker Hosts are automatically closed if no Job execution request is received within a specified time frame (default 90 seconds).70884
Web API EditorA Web API Component definition created with 'Save As' has a host version always set to 2 (Latest), which leads to errors in the code if the original version is 1 (Legacy).72206
Administrator'Export encrypted' entities from Administrator does not work.73149
Runtime and serviceThere is a security vulnerability in an underlying package.74560
AdapterflowDeleting a data source in Adapterflow Data activities does not remove the associated code expression.76254

Administrator v4.4.1 SP 2

Version: 4.4.532.102
Release date: 2024-06-05 (On-prem)

Bug fixes

Azure AD group permissions for available tools are not combined when the user is a member of two or more User groups.59108
Copying text from field in entity property grid doesn't work properly if drag-selected with mouse.71405
Loading Partner Attribute groups in Administrator can take a long time if the groups contain a large number of attributes.73017

iCPS v4.4.1 SP 1

Version: 4.4.325.101
Release date: 2023-08-30 (Cloud), 2023-09-14 (On-prem)


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
EntitiesIntegrity reference to Node type version entity is lost when updating Event configuration.67658
FrameworkParsing a multi-part AS2 MDN message fails if a Content-Type header is missing from the first part.67373
AdapterflowMSSQL Stored procedure Poll Command cannot be selected when editing an Adapterflow.66205
AdministratorLoading the Script inheritance view for Scripts with large inheritance hierarchies sometimes times out and makes the System access service temporarily unresponsive.66438
DatabaseiCIS now supports Azure SQL databases with optimized locking enabled.68073
EntitiesWeb API imported from an earlier iCore version can cause an UpgradeDate-related error when selected in Administrator.68656

Administrator v4.4.1 SP 1

Version: 4.4.329.101
Release date: 2023-08-30 (Cloud), 2023-09-14 (On-prem)

Bug fixes

Several issues occur when the user shift-selects a large number of entities.62623

iCPS v4.4.1 RTM

Release date: 2023-02-10 (Cloud), 2023-04-14 (On-prem)


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
WorkflowsWorkflow SOAP Webservice client activities support client credentials. Workflow activity "Create SOAP Client Security Configuration" is now available.59874
Web APIIt is now possible to create Web API definitions targeting ASP.NET Core 2.1 and NSwag 13, allowing for example generating and publishing Open API v3 specifications.60061
AdministratorWhen creating an new Node type, the "Internet media type" property now has the default value "text/plain".61518
DatabaseThe maximum number of characters that can be used for the Name and Path fields on the Category entity has been extended to 250 and 1024 characters respectively.61519
DatabaseThe maximum number of characters that can be used for the Bookmark field on the Application pool entity has been extended to 250 characters.63370
DatabaseThe maximum number of characters that can be used for the Name field on the Event entity has been extended to 250 characters.63370
CmdletsSet -iCoreMsmqConfiguration is a new cmdlet which lets you set configuration of iCore System MSMQ Queue names.63747
WorkflowsWorkflow activity "Execute WebAPI definition" now supports configuration of a certificate for HTTPS hosting.64241

Deprecated functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
CmdletsGet-iCoreEntity cmdlet for tracking entity types is deprecated.63009
CmdletsReturnEntity parameter on Get-ExportableiCoreEntity cmdlet is deprecated.63753

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorSome entity types, such as SOAP Web Service Clients and Workflows, cannot be compiled in the Administrator if SAS is running as Local System and the Compilation Work Directory for the system is configured as default, with %APPDATA% in the path.58227
EntitiesEntity filter code is not regenerated when the filter is updated.62301
AdministratorFilter execution in Administrator sometimes times out without notifying the user.62457
EntitiesImporting Entity filters may generate incorrect code, which causes an error when compiling a Web API that uses the filter.62999
EntitiesWhen using the Upgrade Readiness Check to check for upgrades to iCIS v4.2.0 or later, the tool now also checks the filter version. If the filter version is too old, the tool issues an error message along with a suggested action.63746
Adapterflows and activities"Convert Excel file" Adapterflow activity outputs the result to file even if the property 'Write output to file' is set to False.64332
Runtime and ServiceA minor memory leak may occur in EWorkerHost when long-running session Components create Events or spawn Workflows. The memory leak causes memory usage to slowly increase over time without ever being returned to the iCore system.64627
Web API EditorThe list of Web service clients in the "Manage references" dialog shows the non-unique title instead of Namespace in the Name column and the Type field in the details pane is empty.64757
AdministratorIn some cases the 'User groups' column in a User entity filter does not display all groups to which the User belongs.64779

Known issues for iCPS v4.4.1 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) may generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Runtime and ServiceReconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Runtime and ServiceWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue applies to Workflows and Adapterflows.30942
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the URL contains the entity key.40872
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets may fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Web API EditorDocumenting Web API with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
FrameworkMail messages downloaded via POP3 Object with options MailGetUidl or MailGetSize do not contain the correct values for these options.55186
Runtime and ServiceExisting Scripts using HTTP Client Object with SSL/TLS may stop working after upgrade. Error message: [Failed to send data to server using POST method; CommunicationException: [Error when sending HTTP Post request. Additional info: Invalid SSL version Error code: 0.]] This may occur in Scripts where HTTP Client Object is used with Protocol property set to "secprotAuto". On HTTP Client Object in Scripts, use the put_Protocol method to explicit point out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3.56394
WorkflowsWorkflows that contain a custom reference to the assembly 'System.Net.Http, Version=' can only be compiled in Workflow Designer if the specified assembly version is not installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The assembly is automatically (and incorrectly) resolved to version in the Workflow Designer, which is why the Workflow can still be compiled.

Workaround: Open the Workflow in the Workflow Designer and save it, and the version will be replaced with which is installed with the .NET framework.

Administrator v4.4.1 RTM

Release date: 2023-02-10


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Entity filter sometimes stops loading additional rows and is filled with empty rows when scrolling quickly up and down.58533
The background color that indicates that multiple rows have been selected in a filter result disappears when the user scrolls out of selection.63794
The selection count is not updated correctly when a filter result is refreshed.63795

iCIS v4.4.0

iCPS v4.4.0 RTM

Release date: 2022-11-02


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
Web service clientWeb service clients created using REST now support OpenAPI Specification v3.0.037370
SystemThe property 'System Enabled' has been removed from System settings.57220
FrameworkIt is now possible for Azure AD users to log in to the Administrator site and iCore system(s) with only an Authorization provider configured on the site/system (OIDC provider configuration is no longer required).57664
AdministratoriCore system version is no longer displayed, and database version is displayed in a new format.58699
Script and functionsSMTP Script object has two new methods, 'SetCertificateFromFile' and 'SetCertificateFromBase64String', for loading a certificate from a file and a base64 string, respectively. The existing method 'SetCertificate' is renamed to 'SetCertificateFromStore'.58830
Script and functionsPOP3 Script object has two new methods, 'SetCertificateFromFile' and 'SetCertificateFromBase64String', for loading a certificate from a file and a base64 string, respectively. The existing method 'SetCertificate' is renamed to 'SetCertificateFromStore'.58832
Script and functionsHTTP Client Script object has two new methods, 'SetCertificateFromFile' and 'SetCertificateFromBase64String', for loading a certificate from a file and a base64 string, respectively. The existing method 'SetCertificate' is renamed to 'SetCertificateFromStore'.58833

Removed functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
ToolsiCoreTrig.exe application has been removed from the iCPS installation.57884
AdapterflowDB2 Adapterflow activities are no longer available.58261
AdapterflowTIBCO EMS Adapterflow activities are no longer available.58262

Deprecated functionality

CmdletsGet-iCorePaths cmdlet is deprecated.60531
CmdletsSome functionality in Get-iCoreEntity cmdlet is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of iCore Integration Suite. It will no longer be possible to retrieve tracking entities (Nodes, Jobs, Events or Log entries).60554
CmdletsSwitch ReturnEntity on cmdlet Get-ExportableiCoreEntity is deprecated.63753

Bug fixes

AdministratorSeverity of diagnostic messages is incorrect when compiling a Web API from the Administrator.55721
DeveloperWhen saving a Script after updating the Script properties, a warning that says the Script has been modified by someone else is displayed.56125
FrameworkOIDC authentication is enabled in tools when they are launched from outside the Administrator, even if OIDC provider configuration is disabled on the selected iCore system.57964
CmdletsExport-iCoreEntity cmdlet fails with the error message "Cannot access a disposed object" if called twice with the same encryption password instance.58719
Script and functionsThe Data parameter of the Script function CreateExpressEvent is not used.59185
FrameworkThe "Mail.Read" application permission is no longer required in order to send email in iCore activities using Modern authentication.59809
EntitiesAttempting to delete a Component configuration, Event configuration, Web Api or Event type causes a validation error which prevents deletion. However, the error message reads "TransactionAbortedException" rather than pointing out the underlying validation errors.60817

Known issues for iCPS v4.4.0 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) may generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Runtime and ServiceReconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Runtime and ServiceWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue applies to Workflows and Adapterflows.30942
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the URL contains the entity key.40872
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets may fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Web API EditorDocumenting Web API with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
FrameworkMail messages downloaded via POP3 Object with options MailGetUidl or MailGetSize do not contain the correct values for these options.55186
Runtime and ServiceExisting Scripts using HTTP Client Object with SSL/TLS may stop working after upgrade. Error message: [Failed to send data to server using POST method; CommunicationException: [Error when sending HTTP Post request. Additional info: Invalid SSL version Error code: 0.]] This may occur in Scripts where HTTP Client Object is used with Protocol property set to "secprotAuto". On HTTP Client Object in Scripts, use the put_Protocol method to explicit point out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3.56394
WorkflowsWorkflows that contain a custom reference to the assembly 'System.Net.Http, Version=' can only be compiled in Workflow Designer if the specified assembly version is not installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The assembly is automatically (and incorrectly) resolved to version in the Workflow Designer, which is why the Workflow can still be compiled.

Workaround: Open the Workflow in the Workflow Designer and save it, and the version will be replaced with which is installed with the .NET framework.
EntitiesSome entity types, such as SOAP Web Service Clients and Workflows, cannot be compiled in the Administrator if SAS is running as Local System and the Compilation Work Directory for the system is configured as default, with %APPDATA% in the path.

Workaround 1: Run SAS as a normal account, i.e. not "Local System".
Workaround 2: Set the "Compilation work directory" of the system to a specific path without environment variables.

Administrator v4.4.0 RTM

Release date: 2022-11-02


Please read the Known issues before installing!


There are no bug fixes or new features in this version of the Administrator.

iCIS v4.3.0

iCPS v4.3.0 SP 4

Version: 4.3.570.4
Release date: 2022-10-14

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

InstallationIts now possible to use the NoPauseOnExit flag on install scripts for IIS applications.58854

Bug fixes

CmdletsPerforming a system upgrade or a Component definition compilation with PowerShell cmdlets fails with an error like "Object '/74f2f9c8_1488_4ba9_a212_2966b4562f2d/v9ggo15nc_0c8tlribgdyzix_3.rem' has been disconnected or does not exist at the server".60008
EntitiesExporting a REST Web service client results in 'Enable schema generation' to always be set to 'true' in the .ieo, regardless of the value of the property in the Web service client.60145
DeveloperOpening for example the 'Allocate node collection' dialog causes the error "No service of type ISystemContext has been registered in this service locator." if the online documentation has been opened previously.61233
Runtime and ServiceAn error message saying "Specified method is not supported" may appear repeatedly after a single server in a cluster has been stopped and restarted within a short timespan.61234
Runtime and ServiceUnder some circumstances after a server in a clustered system has stopped and been restarted, the Job Manager may fail to properly handle session Jobs, leaving them either in Dispatch Pending or Lost state.61234
Runtime and ServiceUnder some circumstances after a server in a clustered system has stopped and been restarted, the Job Manager may fail to dispatch any new Jobs to that server.61234

Administrator v4.3.0 SP 4

Version: 4.3.567.4
Release date: 2022-10-14


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Clicking the "Open ICIS help" link or the "Open Adminstrator help" link opens the incorrect version of the documentation.57863

iCPS v4.3.0 SP 3

Version: 4.3.319.3
Release date: 2022-08-09

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Administrator'Save view to file' and 'Save selection to file' export the entity times in UTC format instead of the system time zone.57956
Web service clientThe generated Workflow activity for a SOAP Web service client hides the actual error in some cases if an error occurs when the return type contains a value type wrapped in a response message. The error message looks like this: A value of type 'System.Object' cannot be set to the location with name 'X' because it is a location of type 'System.Decimal'.59429
Workflows and AdapterflowsAuthentication with some SFTP servers may fail when using private key as authentication method in Adapterflow and Workflow SFTP activities.58897

Administrator v4.3.0 SP 3

Version: 4.3.318.3
Release date: 2022-08-09


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Entity details for some entities do not load properly when multiple entities are selected in the filter result.58390
Entity details do not load, or only load partially, when switching between entities.58536

iCPS v4.3.0 SP 2

Release date: 2022-06-08

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

System upgradeAn out of memory error may occur during System upgrade on systems with a large number of Workflows.58073
EntitiesA database deadlock error may occur when calling Set Node Attribute on the same Node concurrently from multiple processes or threads.58413
AdapterflowThe button to open the code expression editor is not visible when Runtime Expression is selected for table name in Data activities.58426
AdapterflowAdapterflow activity SFTP Writer fails when the 'Check file size' argument is set to 'True' and the 'Destination directory' does not end with slash ('/').58333
Management serviceThe management service is unable to fetch the remote server status in a clustered iCore system, causing "Unknown status" to be displayed in the Administrator58601
Script and functionsSetCertificate method of SMTP Object and POP3 Object is sometimes unable to find the specified certificate when the issuer name is incomplete.58585
Workflows and AdapterflowsA memory leak occurs when using Serialize/Deserialize XML Object activities.58646

Administrator v4.3.0 SP 2

Release date: 2022-06-08


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

The 'Last triggered' and 'Next time to trigger' times for Timers in System monitor are in the wrong time zone.57963
Attribute groups in Partner and Settings filter result are stuck in a loading state.58612

iCPS v4.3.0 SP 1

Release date: 2022-05-18

  1. Installing this service pack requires that you perform a minor system upgrade.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Entities and filtersIt is not possible to include an Entity filter with a name containing more than 50 characters in a View mode filter.56973
Entities and filtersThe width of the 'Message' column is too small for the default Log filter 'Recent' in new systems.57962
Workflow ActivitiesDaily Maintenance (Tracking Cleanup) may fail with an SqlException reading "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblNode_tblJobs"..." in some circumstances.57608
Workflow activitiesExceptions thrown from a SOAP Web service client activity always display the same error message ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.").57876
Web Service ClientCompiling a SOAP Web service client may fail with type conversion errors when a property of the response message contract is named response.57796
AdapterflowThe drop-down editor for adding Adapterflow activities gets smaller each time it is displayed.57629
AdministratorLog in to iCore system shows licensing error instead of warning when iCore is unlicensed.57231
Import-Export toolInvalidOperationException error occurs after logging in to ImpExp tool when user does not have access rights to import content from file.57096
Script and functionsMemory leakage in Components using HttpClient, SmtpClient, POP3Client or FtpClient can potentially cause OutOfMemory exceptions.57952

Deprecated functionality

Adapterflow activitiesDB2 activities are deprecated. Note however that DB2 iSeries activities are NOT deprecated.58259
Adapterflow activitiesTIBCO EMS activities are deprecated58260
DatabaseSupport for MS SQL Server 2012 is deprecated. The next release of iCore Integration Suite will require SQL Server 2016 or later.58266

Administrator v4.3.0 SP 1

Release date: 2022-05-18


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Some character combinations used in iCore system passwords cause internal server error on system login.57734
The loading icon is sometimes not shown when sorting filter result.57960

iCPS v4.3.0 RTM

Release date: 2022-04-01

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
FrameworkIt is now possible to use modern authentication for Office365 as authentication method in mail clients.57110

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
Workflow DesignerIt is not possible to execute "Save As..." in the Workflow designer when the Workflow is locked by another user.56391
FrameworkA disabled system cannot be upgraded.57219
ToolsThe login dialog is not parented to its owner window in various tools, causing it to be hidden if switching between applications.57047
AdapterflowThe drop-down editor for "Categories" and "Error event type" get smaller each time they are displayed.56432
FrameworkCreating a User with the same name as an existing User group (or vice versa) may fail.56453

Known issues for iCPS v4.3.0 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) may generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Runtime and ServiceReconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Runtime and ServiceWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue applies to Workflows and Adapterflows.30942
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the URL contains the entity key.40872
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets may fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Web API EditorDocumenting Web API with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
FrameworkMail messages downloaded via POP3 Object with options MailGetUidl or MailGetSize do not contain the correct values for these options.55186
Runtime and ServiceExisting Scripts using HTTP Client Object with SSL/TLS may stop working after upgrade. Error message: [Failed to send data to server using POST method; CommunicationException: [Error when sending HTTP Post request. Additional info: Invalid SSL version Error code: 0.]] This may occur in Scripts where HTTP Client Object is used with Protocol property set to "secprotAuto". On HTTP Client Object in Scripts, use the put_Protocol method to explicit point out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3.56394
WorkflowsWorkflows that contain a custom reference to the assembly 'System.Net.Http, Version=' can only be compiled in Workflow Designer if the specified assembly version is not installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The assembly is automatically (and incorrectly) resolved to version in the Workflow Designer, which is why the Workflow can still be compiled.

Workaround: Open the Workflow in the Workflow Designer and save it, and the version will be replaced with which is installed with the .NET framework.
EntitiesSome entity types, such as SOAP Web Service Clients and Workflows, cannot be compiled in the Administrator if SAS is running as Local System and the Compilation Work Directory for the system is configured as default, with %APPDATA% in the path.

Workaround 1: Run SAS as a normal account, i.e. not "Local System".
Workaround 2: Set the "Compilation work directory" of the system to a specific path without environment variables.

Administrator v4.3.0

Release date: 2022-04-01


Please read the Known issues before installing!


There are no bug fixes or new features in this version of the Administrator.

iCIS v4.2.5

Administrator v4.2.5 SP 4

Release date: 2022-xx-xx


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Entity details for some entities do not load properly when multiple entities are selected in the filter result.58390
Entity details do not load, or only load partially, when switching between entities.58536

iCPS v4.2.5 SP 5

Version: 4.2.4245.10505
Release date: 2022-06-08

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

EntitiesA database deadlock error may occur when calling Set Node Attribute on the same Node concurrently from multiple processes or threads.58413
AdapterflowThe button to open the code expression editor is not visible when Runtime Expression is selected for table name in Data activities.58426
AdapterflowAdapterflow activity SFTP Writer fails when the 'Check file size' argument is set to 'True' and the 'Destination directory' does not end with slash ('/').58333
Workflows and AdapterflowsA memory leak occurs when using Serialize/Deserialize XML Object activities.58646

Administrator v4.2.5 SP 3

Version: 4.2.4244.10503
Release date: 2022-06-08


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Description                  Id
The 'Last triggered' and 'Next time to trigger' times for Timers in System monitor are in the wrong time zone.57963

iCPS v4.2.5 SP 4

Version: 4.2.4211.10504
Release date: 2022-05-05

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Workflow activitiesExceptions thrown from a SOAP Web service client activity always display the same error message ("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.").57876
Script and functionsMemory leakage in Components using HttpClient, SmtpClient, POP3Client or FtpClient can potentially cause OutOfMemory exceptions.57952
System upgradeAn out of memory error may occur during System upgrade on systems with a large number of Workflows.58073
Entities and filtersThe width of the 'Message' column is too small for the default Log filter 'Recent' in new systems.57962

iCPS v4.2.5 SP 3

Version: 4.2.4196.10503
Release date: 2022-04-22

  1. Installing this service pack requires that you perform a minor system upgrade.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Workflow activitiesDaily Maintenance (Tracking Cleanup) may fail with an SqlException reading "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblNode_tblJobs"..." in some circumstances.57608
Web service clientCompiling a SOAP Web service client may fail with type conversion errors when a property of the response message contract is named response.57796

iCPS v4.2.5 SP 2

Version: 4.2.4171.10502
Release date: 2022-03-28

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Entities and filtersThe operators LIKE and NOT LIKE are not available for Setting/Partner attributes, and the operators <, <=, >= and > are not available for string properties in entity filters. Upgrading old filters removes conditions containing these operators without notifying the user.57545
Runtime and serviceSFTP client fails with error 'There is no cipher supported by both: client and server' when connecting to some SFTP servers.57539

Administrator v4.2.5 SP 2

Version: 4.2.4190.10502
Release date: 2022-04-19


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Description                  Id
Some character combinations used in iCore system passwords cause internal server error on system login.57734

iCPS v4.2.5 SP 1

Version: 4.2.4119.10501
Release date: 2022-03-10

  1. Installing this service pack requires that you perform a minor system upgrade.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Import-Export toolArgumentNullException may occur when selecting or deselecting entities using context menu commands.55722
AdministratorUnwanted warnings are displayed when Script is compiled from Administrator tool.56111
Adapterflow wizardError occurs when trying to assign field expression to a data writer command. Error: Constructor on type 'iCore.Common.Types.IETypeValue' not found.56120
Script and functionsAuthentication error in POP3 client is presented as unexpected error when SSL is activated.56137
Runtime and serviceJob state may not be correctly updated when a WorkerHost encounters persistent database issues.56202
Script and functionsPOP3 client sometimes fails to log in with error: 'Connection failed due to error 75777 Error code: 75777'.56349
FrameworkUsers can still use OIDC to log in to iCore system, even if AuthenticationType has been changed from OIDC to iCore system, or Disabled has been set to True.56365
Import-Export toolImported entities are audited in the wrong iCore system when copying in Import Export tool.56378
FrameworkBase64 encoded account password is exposed in exception message from SMTP client.56388
FrameworkAudit log entry for Lock Component operation during import does not get an import Correlation ID.56390
Runtime and serviceLocally run Jobs created from a System Event that could not be started due to a WorkerHost failing during startup may get stuck in Start pending state until next system restart.56419
Web API EditorSelecting wrap parameter from "light-bulb" menu causes NotSupportedException in Web API Editor.56468
Web API EditorSelecting Introducing local from "light-bulb" menu causes NotSupportedException in Web API Editor.56469
Adapterflow wizardError occurs when selecting MSDOS as List format type in FTP(S) reader/writer activity in Adapterflow. Error: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.56502
Adapterflow wizardAdapterflow activity SFTP Writer does not reset the local data position when configured with retry and overwrite, and does not perform file size check properly when source is set to activity data stream.57134
WorkflowsWorkflow SOAP activities ignore the configured Endpoint and always use the default one.57207

Administrator v4.2.5 SP 1

Version: 4.2.4121.10501
Release date: 2022-03-10


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

Description                  Id
Cannot add custom icon to Partner.56437
White spaces appear when scrolling through entity filter results.55539
System configuration dialog ends up in busy state when concurrent operations fail.54673

iCPS v4.2.5 RTM

Version: 4.2.3673.500
Release date: 2021-10-19 (Cloud), 2021-12-07 (On-premise)

About on-premise release

The on-premise release of iCPS v4.2.5 contains all new functionality and bug fixes since the last on-premise release (iCPS 4.1 Update 5), i.e. v4.2.0 to v4.2.5.

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  3. Legacy Administrator tool is removed.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
FrameworkSystem login now supports authorization with Azure AD.49514
EntitiesComponent definitions can now be locked to prevent concurrent edits.51465
DocumentationiCIS help file has been migrated from .chm format to web.53053
WorkflowSFTP configuration in Workflow now has an option to enable client initialized key exchange (KEX) which is required by some servers.54015
AdapterflowSFTP activities in Adapterflow now have an option to enable client initialized key exchange (KEX) which is required by some servers.54016
Runtime and serviceA new System Event type (ServerPartFaulted) is available.54182
CmdletsNew PowerShell cmdlets used to add and remove entities to/from Categories are available.54661
AdapterflowSend email activity now has configuration of SSL/TLS versions.54694
WorkflowSend mail activity now has configuration of SSL/TLS versions.54694
ScriptSMTP object now has configuration of SSL/TLS versions.54694
Script and functionsPOP3 object now has configuration of SSL/TLS versions & Start TLS options.54696
CmdletsOpen ID Connect (OIDC) authentication configuration has a new 'Enabled' flag which can be used to enable or disable the configuration for the iCore system. Enable/disable can be done with the Set-iCoreAuthenticationProvider cmdlet.55021

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
DeveloperWhen closing the Developer, an error dialog reading "Failed to set data for Script_0_0" may appear and the application cannot be closed. This error may occur on computers that are accessed by more than one Windows user.22041
Web API EditorIntellisense in Web API editor does not show the number of available overloads.38875
DeveloperThere is no validation error if the Script specified by a Component is abstract when the Component is saved.46921
EntitiesAdding or removing a Category from an entity changes the "modified date" of the entity.47807
Workflow DesignerA Workflow created with 'Save As' does not get the same Categories as the original.49003
Web API EditorA WebApi created with 'Save As' does not get the same Categories as the original.49003
Web API EditorSelected Categories are not saved on new Web API when it is created from 'SaveAs' operation49012
Web API EditorRefactoring (or "light bulb") menu is not available in Web API editor.49459
DeveloperA Script created with 'Save As' does not get the Categories from the original Script.49601
DatabaseProperty "Use session pooling" in database settings is not used and has therefore been removed.49855
Runtime and serviceIncomplete error log is written when trying to create an Event on a Node that does not exist.50023
Import-Export toolSorting by date in ImportExport tool does not work correctly on some date formats.50385
Web API EditorWeb API:s appear to still be unsaved after 'Save as' operation.50818
Adapterflow WizardThere is no validation warning when saving an Adapterflow and there is a concurrent update of the same Adapterflow.51197
Workflow DesignerTransactionAborted exception is thrown when saving a Workflow and there is a concurrent update of the same Workflow.51198
Web API EditorThere is no validation warning when saving a Web API and there is a concurrent update of the same Web API.51199
FrameworkOut of memory exception may occur during SSL handshake when an FTPS connection is established.51299
Script and functionsQuickUnzip may fail with error "1 is not a supported code page" on some systems.51389
FrameworkSSL errors that originate from server certificate validation contains no or very little information about why validation failed.51395
DocumentationSome types listed in the help file under section "Other Types Defined by Workflow activities" are not relevant.51438
Import-Export toolEnabled state on Import/Export/Copy button does not work as expected.51998
CmdletsName and Description properties of public Cross-reference entity are read-only.52112
DeveloperWhen opening multiple Scripts at once, only the last selected Script is removed from list of recently opened Scripts that are available in the Developer's menu (File->Recent scripts).52331
EntitiesWhen updating a CLR-name property on an entity that involves refactoring of Adapterflows, refactoring may fail if an Adapterflow uses activities from a Web service client that needs to be compiled.52615
AdapterflowEditor for selecting Setting attribute in Adapterflow does not specify what group the attribute belongs to.53267
FrameworkAdapterflow with FTPS reader as entry point does not stop during soft system shut down.53304
Import-Export toolProduct version is not included in error message that is displayed during import when the source IEO originates from a newer system than the target system.53537
Import-Export toolEntities marked for exclusion are reset when Update selection button is clicked. This occurs when importing from another system (not via file).53539
Script and functionsScripts generated with CodeGen tool containing more than 10,000 procedures cannot be compiled. Error CS0152: The label 'case 10217:' already occurs in this switch statement.53571
Runtime and serviceA running PROD system contains audit logs from iCore service User's activities.53596
FrameworkThere are read audits of Event type and System queue from SAS when an interactive iCore User creates an Event.53783
FrameworkStop/Start/Restart System/Application Pool is added to audit log after operation has completed.53890
FrameworkAS2 MDN:s are not compliant with RFC 4130 with respect to error summary and description.53978
Runtime and serviceSFTP client cannot connect to servers that expect the client to initialize the key exchange.53981
SystemSystem login is prompted twice when attaching a protected system.54008
Runtime and serviceSome SFTP Workflow activities fail with error messages 'Directory does not exist' and 'SFTP component not connected'.54051
Entities and filtersReference to starting category is missing from entity filters, resulting in category not being included when filter is exported.54158
Entities and filtersOpening Entity filter definition editor in Administrator generates an additional audit log that reads 'Read Category "<none>" Success'.54160
Import-Export toolViewModeFilter import fails when importing IEO using batch import schema.54165
Entities and filtersSystem upgrade adds an entity reference for entity filter where the referred entity (user group) does not exist in the system.54175
SystemsIt is possible to re-generate encryption on a system that is not encrypted54258
EntitiesThere are read/update audit records of entities when enabling/disabling encryption of iCore system.54466
CmdletsDocumentation for entity reference cmdlets is missing in online help.54683
FrameworkLoad AS2 Message activity may fail to identify if message is encrypted/compressed if name parameter of Content-type header is omitted.54687
Script and functionsThe Start TLS option "Never" turns off implicit SSL in SMTP functionality.54695
Script and functionsWhen opening or creating new Scripts in the Developer, some errors result in an empty dialog box.54738
DeveloperPaste operation in Developer takes a long time when the pasted code contains block statements such as "if" and "for".54824
DeveloperThe last used system is only selected in the login dialog if the Developer is started from the Administrator.54941
FrameworkWrite to log activities and Script functions do not write to the system event log when destination 'All' or 'SystemLog' is selected.54962
FrameworkCompiling REST web service with IgnoreAllCache option does not seem to ignore the old schema.55351
Script and functionsIt is not possible to create a new Script if the creation of a Script has previously failed due to having a non-unique name. Error: "Cannot start more transactions on this session".55600
Script and functionsThe State property on POP3 object may return 2 ("MailState_Connected") after Login function has failed.55771

Known issues for iCPS v4.2.5 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Runtime and ServiceReconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
FrameworkMail messages downloaded via POP3 Object with options MailGetUidl or MailGetSize do not contain the correct values for these options.55186
Runtime and ServiceWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.30942
Runtime and ServiceThe POP3 Object in Scripts may in rare occasions encounter a timeout during Login and end up unusable. Error message: [Connection failed due to error 75777.] The POP3 Object must be re-instantiated before a successful Login can be made again.56349
Runtime and ServiceExisting SMTP-clients in Script, AdapterFlow and Workflow using SSL/TLS may stop working after upgrade. Error message: [Failed to send message. Additional info: Connection lost due to error 10054 Error code: 10054. Error code is unknown.] This may occur in AdapterFlows and Workflows where the activity Send e-mail is used, and Scripts where the SMTP Object is used. In Adapterflows and Workflows, update the property "SSL/TLS version" on the Send e-mail activity to explicit point out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3. In SMTPObjects in Scripts, update the invoke of method Login so the parameter "SSLVersions" explicit points out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3.56403
Runtime and ServiceExisting Scripts using HTTP Client Object with SSL/TLS may stop working after upgrade. Error message: [Failed to send data to server using POST method; CommunicationException: [Error when sending HTTP Post request. Additional info: Invalid SSL version Error code: 0.]] This may occur in Scripts where HTTP Client Object is used with Protocol property set to "secprotAuto". On HTTP Client Object in Scripts, use the put_Protocol method to explicit point out the SSL/TLS version desired, for example TLS 1.3.56394
WorkflowsIf you are using a generated SOAP Web Service Client activity in a Workflow, and you have made any modifications to the Endpoint property (either via the editor, or manually in the XAML), these modifications will no longer work after upgrading to iCIS v4.2.5. Furthermore, specifying an Endpoint object of any kind to a SOAP Web Service Client activity in a Workflow has no effect after the upgrade. The activities will always use the default endpoint as configured in the Web Service Client.

Currently no known workaround is available, other than using an Adapterflow to perform the communication.
EntitiesSome entity types, such as SOAP Web Service Clients and Workflows, cannot be compiled in the Administrator if SAS is running as Local System and the Compilation Work Directory for the system is configured as default, with %APPDATA% in the path.

Workaround 1: Run SAS as a normal account, i.e. not "Local System".
Workaround 2: Set the "Compilation work directory" of the system to a specific path without environment variables.
Workflows and AdapterflowsUsing private key as authentication method with some SFTP servers in Adapterflow and Workflow SFTP activities may fail.

Workaround: Disable the following "Public key signature" algorithms in the SFTP server configuration: rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512.
Script and functionsThe Data parameter of the Script function CreateExpressEvent is not used.59185

Administrator v4.2.5 RTM

Version: 4.2.3694.500
Release date: 2021-10-19


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

Description                  Id
The commands for adding and removing Categories to/from an Entity now support adding and removing multiple Categories at the same time. The Add and Delete commands have been replaced with an Edit command for Category selection in the Categories detail views for Entities supporting Categories.47810
Large Event/Job argument values can now be displayed in Administrator tool.49469
Administrator tool support configuration for authentication using group claims.49517
Support for user authorization in Administrator via Azure AD groups is now available.49518
Exporting selected entities in Entity filter result now displays a warning if any of the selected entities are of a non-exportable type. However, it is still possible to export entities that are of exportable entity type.50376
It is now possible to add and remove a filter from a Category via the context menu on entity filter tree nodes.50492
An option to display each system in a specific endpoint is available.52583
"About" dialog has been re-designed.54122
System overview now also displays System version.54483
Size of "Referenced entity type" drop-down list in "Add new entity reference" dialog has been increased.54658
Open ID Connect (OIDC) authentication configuration can be enabled/disabled in the System settings.55021

Bug fixes

Description                  Id
The wrong error dialog is displayed when trying to delete a system-internal entity.41101
Assemblies for Webservice Client (REST only) cannot be downloaded.41804
Value selection for filter parameter (on execute) does not work correctly after the filter has been opened for editing.42528
Unmodified filters sometimes display a warning pop-up asking the user to discard changes when closing the filter editor.43319
No informative message is displayed in the "Export Encrypted" dialog when selecting "Encrypt (Plain)" on an entity that has protected entities as dependencies.44874
The option to select default filter is disabled if the "Show filter result" checkbox has been unchecked and then checked before saving.44969
If the system tree view is hidden when refreshing a site or logging in to a site, an empty page is displayed.47246
The version numbers displayed in Admin system overview page are incorrect.43128
In "Delete entity filter" confirm dialog, one property of entity filter is not read-only.48252
Cmdlet help for cmdlets in iCore.Administrator.Configuration module has been corrected and improved.48480
Compiling of Abstract Scripts is disabled in Administrator.48666
Details view and property grid is not cleared of data when multiple entities are selected.49107
No support for multiline description of entities in Administrator.49644
The layout of the "Save as" dialog for Entity filters does not handle error messages shown when OK button is clicked.50498
The tooltip for "Show milliseconds" in context menu is only shown in the first executed filter result.51424
Stop system commands for system are not listed in same order as for Server.51632
The button "Re-generate encryption" is enabled on a system that is not encrypted.52602
Logging out of iCore system in Administrator does not work as expected.52748
Updating the CLR name of a Setting attribute group type shows a progress dialog with title containing the term "Partner".52749
Updating any property after adding a sub-entity in details view shows a warning dialog "Setting attribute group has been modified by someone else..."52750
When deleting a Component, the definition drop-down in the confirmation dialog is not read-only.52756
Selecting a different entity in entity filter result list sometimes results in a dialog with a warning about losing changes to the currently selected entity, even though no changes have been made.53274
Dialog for saving entity filter result to file does not work correctly in Chromium-based browsers.53300
The links to Jobs from System monitor/Application Pools do not open anything.53404
Modified date is not showing correct value in the filter result after an entity has been updated.53432
Full Category name is not shown after refresh in Category tab in details view.53489
Long texts sometimes overflow the Description field in Add new Web service client and Add new Imported assembly dialogs.53502
Entity filter with slash ("/") in the name fails when used as default filter.53546
Navigating to a hashed page sometimes does not work if OIDC is enabled on site.53764
Save button disappears from Node details panel when selecting a different Node.53775
'Select User Groups'-dialog has some design issues.53812
Default value for default Authentication type is missing in Add new user form.53996
Minor update warning dialog is not shown a second time if the user previously clicked No.54058
Information such as Name and Description is missing on some entities in custom filter result.54129
Open details command for entities results in duplicate read records in the Audit log.54159
The Add reference command is disabled for system-internal entities.54685
Saving OIDC configuration with invalid authority URL throws a generic (non-informative) error message.55348
Pressing "Delete" while editing a description displays a dialog asking if the entity should be deleted.55543

Known issues for Administrator v4.2.5 RTM

Description                  Id
Entity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

iCIS v4.2.3

iCPS v4.2.3 SP 1

Version: 4.2.3015.301
Release date: 2021-06-17

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  3. Legacy Administrator tool is removed.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
DeveloperPaste-operation in Developer takes a long time when the code to be pasted contains block statements such as "if" and "for".54824

iCPS v4.2.3 RTM

Version: 4.2.2767.300
Release date: 2021-05-03

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  3. Legacy Administrator tool is removed.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
WorkflowsLoad AS2 message activity now has argument for supported EDIINT-Features. Also, the overall handling of EDIINT-Features has been re-worked to better follow its specification. In AS2 messages, the EDIINT-Features header specifies the capabilities of the sending user agent.53809
DeveloperThe error message which is displayed when creating a new Script from within the Developer and the unique name constraint is violated has been clarified.15587
SecuritySystem login now supports Open ID Connect (OIDC).46846
SecurityAllow multiple User groups on User.47435
SecurityUser property Restricted operations has been replaced by User group permissions.47442
SecurityNew permission available - Edit tracking page.47714
SecurityNew permission available - Upgrade system.47715
SecurityNew permission available - Execute Component.47716
SecurityNew permissions available - Attach system & Detach system.47717
SecurityNew permission available - Set default filter.47718
Web service clientGenerated Adapterflow web service consumer activities now support System.ServiceModel.CustomBinding from code expression.47741
CmdletsNew cmdlets available for managing which User groups a User belongs to: Add-iCoreUserToUserGroup, Remove-iCoreUserFromUserGroup.48156
AdapterflowsIt is now possible to configure a CustomBinding with a code expression in web service consumer activities in Adapterflows.48211
WorkflowsIt is now possible to configure an Endpoint with a code expression in SOAP web service consumer activities in Workflows.48211
GeneralOldest version to upgrade from is now v3.30.50505
Web service clientWeb service client now has a configuration option that enables/disables XML schema generation.52489

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
WorkflowsLoad AS2 message activity fails to load message and reports unsupported features when message contains EDIINT feature CEM.53797
Web service clientImporting specific REST Web service client fails during generation of XML schemas. Error: "There was an error reflecting type ‘<fully qualified type-name>‘"43353
Runtime and serviceRunning a Component configuration which is set to only run in a single Application pool that no Server implements causes a NullReferenceException.50038
DeveloperNo warning is displayed when saving a Script in the Developer and there is a concurrent update of the Script.50812
Import-Export toolThe sorting of Entity filter result in ImportExport tool is not always correct, and the sorting indicator in the column header is sometimes missing or incorrect.50865
Import-Export toolThe columns "Import status", "Import action" and "Conflict text" are shown during listing of entities and system settings in UI when exporting to file.50871
Web API EditorThe WebAPI code editor displays squiggles for warnings that are suppressed.51530
CmdletsWhen deserializing a public entity, a null reference exception is thrown.51619
Script and functionsWhen updating an XML schema in Developer which contains new circular references to an element which already exists in the schema, the circular parent is not detected correctly. Running the Script fails with error “Failed to find recursive node in mappings"51979
WorkflowsCreate SFTP connection configuration activity's default value for argument 'SFTP Versions' cannot be shown in the fixed value editor.53261
DeveloperDeveloper memory usage increases rapidly when creating new procedure in certain Scripts.53269

Known issues for iCPS v4.2.3 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Runtime and ServiceReconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
DeveloperQuickUnzip may fail with error "1 is not a supported code page" on some systems.51389

Administrator v4.2.3 RTM

Version: 4.2.2793.300
Release date: 2021-05-03


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

Description                  Id
The Set-iCoreWebAdminOidcProvider cmdlet has been updated to only have one RedirectUri parameter without having to specify the path.51826

Bug fixes

Description                  Id
If a node in view mode filter gets checked or unchecked, the child nodes are not recursively checked or unchecked.42597
After refreshing a User Group, the Permissions and Members tabs disappear.43026
"Save as" command is displayed when editing filter definitions even if the User does not have the 'Create' permission on entity filter.43782
The context menu item for "Open referenced entity details" from an entity reference item is disabled.53305
New selections in the View mode filter tree cannot be saved.53360
View mode filter selection tree cannot be saved if any nodes are selected.53361

Known issues for Administrator v4.2.3 RTM

Description                  Id
Entity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872
Entity filter with 'slash' in the name fails when used as default filter.53546

iCIS v4.2.2

iCPS v4.2.2 RTM

Version: 4.2.2536.200
Release date: 2021-02-23

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  3. Legacy Administrator tool is removed.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
DatabaseTo reduce deadlocks in runtime, iCore Database Isolation has been changed to use Read Committed Snapshot Isolation.48327

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
EntitiesWhen creating a new entity, a warning shows up that requires confirmation. The new entity is created, but clicking 'Yes' in the confirmation dialog opens up a new confirmation dialog.51680
EntitiesAttempting to delete some entities causes TransactionAbortedException to be shown in a pop-up dialog.52734

Known issues for iCPS v4.2.2 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
DeveloperQuickUnzip may fail with error "1 is not a supported code page" on some systems.51389

Administrator v4.2.2 RTM

Version: 4.2.2486.200
Release date: 2021-02-23


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

  • No new functionality in this release.

Bug fixes

  • No bug fixes in this release.

Known issues for Administrator v4.2.2 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

iCIS v4.2.1

iCPS v4.2.1 RTM

Version: 4.2.1736.100
Release date: 2020-09-10

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  3. Legacy Administrator tool is removed.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
Adapterflow activitiesSFTP activites in Adapterflows now has an option to suppress additional operations during transfer to mitigate problems with faulty servers.47771
Workflow activitiesSFTP configuration in Workflows now has an option to suppress additional operations during transfer to mitigate problems with faulty servers.47777
Activity 'Write string to log' now has a property to enable/disable execution of the activity.49884
Web API EditorWorkflow activity "The iCPS Public API now also includes an API for executing Entity filters, for use in Web API implementations.48435
EntitiesLogLevel is now selectable as a column in Log Entity filters.48435
User-defined references between entities no longer explicitly prohibit deletion of a referred entity. Instead it allows deletion after manual confirmation.49882
Workflow designerWorkflow activities for sending and receiving AS2 messages now support EDIINT features multiple-attachments and AS2 Reliability.49409
Import-Export tool-User-defined references and Category memberships no longer require the referred entity to be exported or imported. They will be included by default, but can now be deselected if desired.
-ImpExpTool has new visualizations of the various selection statuses to easier determine the state of a particular entity and what that state may be changed to.

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
Adapterflow activitiesIf a data reader configured as entry point fails during initialization, the error is hidden and the Adapterflow executes without reading data. This could be the result of a faulting C# statement in a Code expression.50127
If a data reader configured as non-entry point fails during initialization, an error log is written and the Adapterflow becomes unresponsive. As a consequence, no data is read and the Adapterflow does not respond to system shutdown. The problem could be the result of a faulting C# statement in a Code expression.50128
FTP(S) reader and FTP(S) writer do not always respect the "Ignore error codes" parameter when listing files on server.50165
Workflow activitiesList SFTP/FTP Directory does not respect "Ignore error codes" parameter when "List filter option" FilterOnClient is used.50165
EntitiesThere are no "Delete" Audit logs of user-defined Entity references when an entity is deleted and the deleted entity has "Uses references".50141
Loading Log details takes a long time for Log entries created by Jobs with large arguments.50726
No Audit log entry is generated when changing the password of the User currently logged on.50777
User password policy is listed for export even though the User does not have the "export" permission or the restricted operation permission for User password policy.50867
Deleting some entities, when cascade deletion is enabled, does not result in deletion of referenced entities being recorded in the Audit log.50910
Cmdlets'Force' parameter of Stop-iCoreSystem was changed to switch parameter, breaking backward compatibility.50328
DatabaseThe check for System Custom Objects during upgrade is done after the database has been upgraded.50408
Script and functionsFile system watch Script object never reports 'Preparing shutdown' status when scanning for files.50467
DeveloperThe About dialog in the Developer displays incorrect version and copyright information.50489
Runtime and serviceThe default (empty) value for advanced system configuration option MaxAllowedConsecutiveJobManagerRegistrationFailures incorrectly causes WHM to enter Faulted state without performing any retries.50820
Import-Export toolChecksum of IEO for some unmodified IEO files does not match, resulting in a warning dialog during import.50939
Toolbar buttons above the Entity list are sometimes not rendered correctly. Buttons are missing or overlap.51150
Run component toolRunCompTool and RunCompToolCL fail to execute Workflows from the command line. Error: "InvalidCastException: [Specified cast is not valid.]"51505

Known issues for iCPS v4.2.1 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942

Administrator v4.2.1 RTM

Version: 4.2.1737.100
Release date: 2020-09-10


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorAdministrator supports default settings values via URL query parameters.49781

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorKey shortcuts for commands above filter result do not work when the system explorer tree is focused.48047
Node filter groups for Node Attributes and Partner Attribute groups cannot be edited.49762
Command "Edit Script" fails with error "Invalid value specified for parameter id; undefined is not a valid value for Int32".49814
A generic exception is thrown if site Role does not exist when running certain site administration cmdlets.50211
Service cannot be installed/uninstalled on a remote machine in a clustered system.50516
Parameter name in cmdlet and helpfile do not match.50556
When loading data for a new entity, old values are displayed instead of progress indicator in details view, and Argument list for Events and Jobs is not cleared properly.50725
Saving an Entity will overwrite concurrent updates made to the entity without any warning.51209
A user that does not have permission to edit a categorizable Entity can still delete Categories from such an Entity in the Categories details view.51471

Known issues for Administrator v4.2.1 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

iCIS v4.2.0

iCPS v4.2.0 RTM

Version: 4.2.1318.0
Release date: 2020-06-05

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  3. Legacy Administrator tool is removed.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
Adapterflows and activities- CreateEvent activity now handles times specified in either UTC or iCore System time.
- Adapterflow time validity can now be specified in UTC.
- New function "Current Date and Time in UTC" is now available.
Admin (Legacy)Administrator (legacy) tool is no longer a part of the iCore Integration Suite and is therefore removed from iCPS installation file.41554
EntitiesAdd entity reference - Adding reference to multiple entities is now supported.49104
Timers now allow specifying absolute times as UTC.46139
FrameworkSQL server OLE DB drivers used by Developer updated to latest version to support TLS 1.2.44289
Dates and times are now stored as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). To support this, all iCore Systems also has a System time zone. For more information, refer to the "What's new" section in the iCIS help file.45597
- New permission available - Import
- New permission available - Export
Import and export toolWhen an IEO file is exported, a checksum is associated with it. The checksum is validated during import.47307
MovexToMSMQMovexToMSMQ has been removed from iCPS installation, but is still available as a separate installation if needed.46141
Public typesPublic API now supports loading certificates from file or stream.45620
ToolsiCore Port Monitor tool has been removed from iCPS installation.45685
The log file in the Upgrade readiness check tool can now be exported to Excel-compatible format (CSV).46355
Script and FunctionScript function ConvertDate has been renamed to FormatDate.48539
Script function CreateEvent now accepts a UTC specifier in the value for parameter DelayUntil.45766
Web API EditorWorkflow activity "Execute WebAPI definition" now supports configuration of startup and shutdown timeouts.49464
Workflows and activitiesThe Send AS2 MDN and Send AS2 Message activities now include arguments for HTTP version and keep alive policy.44012

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
Adapterflow wizardThe wrong topic is displayed when help is started from Adapter Flow Time validity configuration.48542
Read audits are recorded on every Category when Categories dropdown editor is opened in Adapterflow wizard.48550
Some drop-down editors commit an edited value when Escape key is pressed.49088
Adapterflows and activitiesAdapterflow activity parameter functions fail when used in a Data reader's poll command. Error log: "(Exception occurred when initializing poll command.) Error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."50105
CmdletsSending definition name to iCore PowerShell cmdlets for building Components from pipe does not work. Affected cmdlets are Build-iCoreAdapterflow, Build-iCoreWorkflow, Build-iCoreWebApi, Build-iCoreComponent and Build-iCoreWebService.49325
EntitiesAttempting to delete a Workflow may take an excessive amount of time.27929
Re-created Events get the original Event source and User instead of the tool and the iCore User that re-created the Event.49035
When Timer is created in Administrator, there is no validation of properties ValidTo and ValidFrom.46790
Entities and filtersEntity Filters that have a condition on a property of type System.Version cannot be saved.49175
Non-applicable operators are available when creating Filter expressions.48169
Import and export toolWhen importing certain entities from file all entity details are not displayed in Import/Export Tool (for example Error event on AdapterFlow).49472
Run CompAudit for logout is missing when closing or performing a logout from Run Component tool.48549
Script and functionsAbstract Scripts that have been imported from iCore versions earlier than 3.30 may incorrectly show 'Needs compiling' flag to False after import or system upgrade.48668
Http Clients in Scripts do not correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Sysadm utilityAudit for login and logout is missing when upgrading a system from Sysadm Util tool.48548
Web API editorThe items in the Web API editor's Open dialog are not sorted correctly.44228
Workflows and activitiesNullReferenceException occurs in Get Node Member Value activity if Default value is set to 'Nothing' and the attribute does not exist on the Node.48141
Workflow designerThe checkbox for System Internal can be checked in Properties on a Workflow which causes an unhandled exception.48318

Known issues for iCPS v4.2.0 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942

Administrator v4.2.0 RTM

Version: 4.2.1336.0
Release date: 2020-06-05


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorEntity filter upgrade - NodeType property Viewer Class has been replaced with Media Type.42831
Administrator UI now supports displaying and editing UTC datetimes where applicable.45578

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorA Save button appears in the System explorer header when navigating to an Entity filter.48780
Items in drop-down editors that are missing a description text display a tooltip saying "null".45244
When an Entity filter with parameter(s) is opened from a filter result in the Chrome browser, two "Entity filter parameters" dialogs are opened.50475

Known issues for Administrator v4.2.0 RTM

AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

iCIS v4.1

v4.1 Update 5

Administrator v4.1 Update 5 SP 2

Version: 4.1.2621.502
Release date: 2021-06-09


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorKeyboard shortcuts do not work while editing Entity filters.47594
Command "Edit Script" fails with error "Invalid value specified for parameter id; undefined is not a valid value for Int32".49814
Node filter groups for Node Attributes and Partner Attribute groups cannot be edited.49762

iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 5

Version: 4.1.2632.505
Release date: 2021-06-09

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Managementbefore upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  4. This service pack requires a minor system upgrade.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
FrameworkImporting specific REST Web service client fails during generation of XML schemas. Error: “There was an error reflecting type ‘<fully qualified type-name>’”43353
DeveloperParsing a structure with records that contain very long data elements can cause OutOfMemory exception.49397
DeveloperUnder some circumstances, the initial characters may be missing in the ReadRecord of InFile Script object. This happens when CodePage and RecordSeparator properties are set after the file is opened, but before any records are read. Also, the Codepage assigned must have BOM preamble which must be missing in the input file.49804
EntitiesCustom filter causes ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ during system upgrade, import or login in Legacy Administrator. Concerns Custom filters that contain an ‘All’ part with a condition on the ‘Active’ property.49940
WorkflowList SFTP/FTP Directory does not respect “Ignore error codes” parameter when “List filter option” FilterOnClient is used.50165
AdapterflowFTP(S) reader and FTP(S) writer do not always respect the “Ignore error codes” parameter when listing files on server.50165
Cmdlets‘Force’ parameter of Stop-iCoreSystem was changed to switch parameter, thereby breaking backward compatibility.50328
DatabaseThe check for System Custom Objects during upgrade is done after the database has been upgraded.50408
Script and functionsFile system watch Script object never reports ‘Preparing shutdown’ status when scanning for files.50467
Runtime and serviceThe default (empty) value for advanced system configuration option MaxAllowedConsecutiveJobManagerRegistrationFailures incorrectly causes Worker Host Manager to enter Faulted state without performing any retries.50820
Import-Export toolThe columns “Import status”, “Import action” and “Conflict text” are shown during listing of entities and system settings in UI when exporting to file.50871
EntitiesDeleting some entities when cascade deletion is enabled, does not result in deletion of referenced entities being recorded in the Audit log.50910
FrameworkOut of memory exception may occur during SSL handshake when an FTPS connection is established.51299
Runtime and serviceExecution of Components that uses for example SFTP functionality sometimes fails with error: “SecureBlackbox license key is not set. Please pass production or evaluation license key to…”51433
Run Component toolRunCompTool and RunCompToolCL fail to execute Workflows from the command line. Error: “InvalidCastException: [Specified cast is not valid.]”51505
Script and functionsWhen updating an XML schema which contains new circular references to an element which already exists in the schema, the circular parent is not detected correctly. Running the Script fails with error “Failed to find recursive node in mappings”.51979
Admin (Legacy)When adding a REST Web Service Client the description textbox shrinks vertically and only reveals half a row of text [Legacy Administrator].52528
AdapterflowWhen updating a CLR-name property on an entity that involves refactoring of Adapterflows, refactoring may fail if an Adapterflow uses activities from a Web service client that needs to be compiled.52615
EntitiesAttempting to delete some entities causes TransactionAbortedException to be shown in a pop-up dialog.52734
AdministratorIt is possible to re-generate encryption on a system that is not encrypted.54258
New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
FrameworkWeb service client now has a configuration option that enables/disables XML schema generation.52489

iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 4

Version: 4.1.2332.504
Release date: 2020-04-17

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  4. This service pack requires a minor system upgrade.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceJob processing performance is reduced when there are many Jobs in state Dispatch Pending.48979
EntitiesCompilation of entities fails with error: "A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods". The error occurs when there are entities with a description that contains a line break included in the LocalSystem assembly.49371
XML characters are not escaped in the code documentation of local system that is generated from entity descriptions.49754
Adapterflow activitiesDrop-down editor for property Setting Attribute in activity Get Setting Attribute does not open and an error is displayed: "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object".49470
Import-Export toolThere is no editor for selecting entity properties in the Import Export tool's interaction request dialog. The property is either read-only or editable as free text.49473

iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 3

Version: 4.1.2302.503
Release date: 2020-03-30

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
FrameworkJob Manager may fail with error "The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion."49219

iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 2

Version: 4.1.2294.502
Release date: 2020-03-23

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Script and functionsScript sometimes fail with error "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute".49170

iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 2

Version: 4.1.2294.502
Release date: 2020-03-23

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Administrator v4.1 Update 5 SP 1

Version: 4.1.2285.501
Release date: 2020-03-13


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorIf a second Script is opened after a Script has been opened from an Entity filter list, the first Script is opened again.48831
When right-clicking on a Script in entity filter result, compile commands are not displayed in the context menu.49009
The OIDC retry login button does not redirect to the correct URL if site is installed as an application.49065

iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 1

Version: 4.1.2284.501
Release date: 2020-03-13

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.
  4. This service pack requires a minor system upgrade.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceSystem startup time has been reduced, specifically in situations where multiple restart application pool operations have been performed.48613
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
CmdletsCmdlets Get-iCoreSystemAccessServiceProxyEndpoint and Clear-iCoreSystemAccessServiceProxyEndpoints are not working.48648
Entities'Save As'-operation fails when the edited Web API belongs to a Category.48660
WorkflowsThe listed available values for activities Set Partner Attribute Value and Set Setting Attribute Value are unsorted and non-scrollable when edited in the activity designer.48717
The editor for the Category of a Workflow throws NullReferenceException and loses its state when switching between tabs.48865
Known issues for iCPS v4.1 Update 5 SP 1-5
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044

iCPS v4.1 Update 5

Version: 4.1.2264.500
Release date: 2020-03-05

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
DatabaseThe iCore System database configuration now supports connections to an SQL Server AlwaysOn High Availability Group.46836
CmdletsStart-iCoreSystem cmdlet - New argument available to start a specific server.48136
Stop-iCoreSystem - New argument available to stop a specific server.48137
Import-Export toolThe open and save file dialog in Import-Export tool now support UNC paths.47223
Web API editorWeb APIs now support API documentation using code annotations from REST web service API definition.46356
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Entities and filtersToggling the Active state on Timers does not update Modified date.47455
Creating an Entity filter generates an additional audit log that says 'Read Category "<none>" Success'.47664
Codegen toolScript Code Generation tool cannot be started without automatically requesting elevated administrator permissions.48025
Import-Export toolDescription of an .ieo file is not visible in Import-Export tool when selected as a source.47678
When exporting as encrypted, the .ieo file does not contain a description.47429
Web API editorIntellisense for method Signatures are not displayed in the Web API editor.46595
Selected Categories are not saved when creating a new Web API from the corresponding editor.48739
WorkflowsSelected Categories are not saved when creating a Workflow from the corresponding editor.48739
Known issues for iCPS v4.1 Update 5
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.].10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
InstallationThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Import-Export toolIt's not possible to import User groups, that are exported from version 4.1 Update 4, in an earlier version within this RTM.45840
Web API EditorDocumenting Web api with code annotation <example> is not visible in Swagger UI.46942
AdministratorCompile commands are not shown when right clicking on a Script in Administrator.49009
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console. Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version <version>. Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.45044

Administrator v4.1 Update 5

Version: 4.1.2260.500
Release date: 2020-02-27


Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorTooltips for commands in context menus are now displayed.47968
Administrator configuration files split and configuration files location configurable.47515
It is now possible to compile a Script with dependencies or derived from the Administrator GUI.46693
Administrator site login optionally uses authentication with OpenId Connect.46655
It is now possible to assign start page URL to a User role in the Administrator site configuration.46312
Configuration available to set available local tools per Role.47451
CodeGen tool is optionally available in the tools menu.47916
Configuration option for paths to configuration files has been added.47514
The 'Compile Component definitions' dialog is not automatically closed when compilation is completed.47256
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorServer - The default value for "Log on as" during service installation is LocalService (instead of Local system).47909
The Categories drop-down menu in the Add category dialog does not work if 23 or more Categories are already selected before opening it.42044
The OK button is enabled even though nothing has been changed in edit entity popup window.47563
View mode filters cannot be edited until a refresh of the details view (of the User or User group) is performed.44863
Filters that are opened from an entity type tree node cannot the edited.47238
Logging in as a User that is not included in a Role displays an error page without any useful information instead of a proper error message.48486
Parameter type on Node attribute is updated after selecting 'No' in Warning dialog.47652
The Event type, Priority and Event parameters in the Create event dialog are not saved between browser sessions.46664
Known issues for Administrator v4.1 Update 5
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

v4.1 Update 4

Starting with this update Administrator tool and iCPS platform is split into two different installations. And within on update or RTM the servicepack number might be different. Compatibility guaranteed within Update and RTM. This means that you must have the same update number on the Administrator tool and iCPS but not necessarily the same servicepack number.

Update and Servicepacks

iCIS 4.1 Update 4 SP 3
Administrator 4.1 Update 4 SP 2
iCIS 4.1 Update 4 SP 2
Administrator 4.1 Update 4 SP 1
iCIS 4.1 Update 4 SP 1
Administrator 4.1 Update 4
iCIS 4.1 Update 4

iCPS v4.1 Update 4 SP3

Version: 4.1.2045.403
Release date: 2019-12-11

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and ServiceAn 'Unobserved Task Exception' may occur under certain circumstances when spawning a Workflow from another Workflow.47097
Some rare error log entries coming from WorkerHosts are not associated with the corresponding WorkerHost job.47098
Admin (Legacy)Assigning a Category to multiple entities at once fails in Legacy Administrator. Error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.".47397
Changing Display Options in Legacy Admin fails if the User is a member of the Viewer User group. Error 'Current user is not authorized to perform operation Edit on Users'.47562
WorkflowsThe Workflow Designer keeps increasing memory when working with Workflows, and does not release it when Workflows are closed.47114
Run CompStarting Run Component Tool for the first time fails if the Windows user is not a member of the Administrator group.47474
SASListing of Custom filters is slow.47463
EntitiesThe modified date of an entity is updated when performing 'Add to category', 'Add category' and 'Remove category'.47403
Selecting a Partner or Setting in an Entity filter result generates additional read audits regarding other entities.47445
Audit log does not contain the changed properties of an updated Workflow.47447
Compiling a Script generates additional read audits regarding other entities.47539
Values are not shown in the description column for Setting attribute groups.47644

Administrator v4.1 Update 4 SP2

Version: 4.1.1976.402
Release date: 2019-11-11


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AdministratorThe property and operator drop-downs in the filter expression rows are too small and size is not saved when the property drop-down is resized.46864
Filters that contain operation on node attribute cannot be edited in Web Administrator and the definition is empty.47243

iCPS v4.1 Update 4 SP2

Version: 4.1.1967.402
Release date: 2019-11-11

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated. When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.
  3. iCore Administrator is installed by a separate msi and has a separate section in this document.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
DeveloperScripts referred by Component configurations can be changed to Abstract, when the name of the Component is not the same as the name of the Script.46391
The Developer ends up in an unstable state which makes it impossible to save the Script. This happens if update of Script properties fails (due to a too long value in author > 100 characters).46763
It is possible to set a Script as Abstract from the Developer when there is a concurrent creation of a Component configuration for that Script.46765
Workflow activitiesThe activities Set Setting/Partner Attribute Value do not update the modification date of the entity.46717
SASThe tree view mode for filter results is displayed as flat filter results.46722
The referenced entity drop-down in the Add new entity reference dialog is not sorted for NodeAttributeType and SettingAttributeGroupType.46863
Import and export toolAn abstract Script can be imported and overwrite a non-abstract Script that is associated with one or more Component configurations.46766
If circular dependencies have been created between entities using User references, attempting to export any of the entities involved will result in an error ("The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 1000 has been exhausted before statement completion").46826
When trying to import an updated Partner Attribute Group with changed attribute list, an error message with the text 'fldName' is displayed.46940
EntitiesWhen deleting a Job in Administrator an error message ("Object must implement IConvertible") is displayed.46905
Known issues for iCPS v4.1 Update 4 SP 2-3
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Import and exportIt's not possible to import User groups, that are exported from version 4.1 Update 4, in an earlier version within this RTM.45840
Web API editorDocumenting Web api with code annotation 'example' is not visible in Swagger UI.46942

Administrator v4.1 Update 4 SP1

Version: 4.1.1909.401
Release date: 2019-10-15


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AdministratorThe Categories and View mode filter drop-downs close when scrollbar is moved.46402
Lack of support to install, update and configure different versions of the Administrator site. To support this, PowerShell modules iCore.Web.Install and iCore.Web.Administration have been removed and replaced by the module iCore.Administrator.Configuration. Detailed information about iCore.Administrator.Configuration can be found in the iCIS helpfile.46473
The Categories in Category selection editors is not sorted by path.46476
The buttons for downloading and uploading Node content is not visible when navigating to the Node via links or double-clicks.46679
Known issues for Administrator v4.1 Update 4 SP1-SP2
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872
Cannot edit View Mode Filter before refreshing the details view of that User or User group.44863

iCPS v4.1 Update 4 SP1

Version: 4.1.1854.401
Release date: 2019-09-30


Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Session job may be left unstarted in state "Dispatched" after a Restart Application Pool request. This happens if the WHM and JM ever lost connection after the job was first started and before the RAP request took place.46663
Legacy AdministratorModifying one or more sub-entities of an Entity causes Add operation warning in Legacy Administrator. Concerns Timer events, Cross reference value, Application pool implementation, Setting attribute type and Partner attribute type.46343
Import and Export ToolSome validation warnings and errors are not displayed in the UI of the Import-Export Tool. This may happen when copying an entire system into a newly created system. However an error dialog will appear during the copy process.46314
There is an Error (The given key was not found present in the dictionary) when trying to solve conflict in Import-Export Tool. This happens while trying to import an Entity into a system where an Entity with same name (ID is different) aldready exists.46381
Import of Entity fails with InvalidCastException. This happens when the Entity to import already exists in the target system and the Entity has a sub-entity without a value in the Name property (For example a Timer event of a Timer).46727
DocumentationiCore helpfiles contains some obsolete validation warnings related to Import-Export Tool.46278
Known issues for iCPS v4.1 Update 4 SP 1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Import and exportIt's not possible to import User groups, that are exported from version 4.1 Update 4, in an earlier version within this RTM.45840

Administrator v4.1 Update 4

Version: 4.1.1819.400

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorIt is now possible to move Server parts under System monitor.26336
Administrator tool is now added as a separate msi. The tool is installed separately, and stored in a versioned folder.40993
It is now possible to upload Node data to a Node. New permissions for Node data are available.45817
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
AdministratorThere is no option to cascade delete a Node with child Nodes.41281
There is no dialog informing the user that delete is denied when the user is trying to delete a Node with 'Retain' set to true.41621
The encrypt system description text under the Security tab in System settings is not fully visible.44038
It is not possible to edit parameterized Custom filter without parameter input.44068
It is possible to set permission "Create System queues" on a User group, causing that command to be enabled on a User from that Group.44846
Text describing the option to move Entity filter expressions up and down says "Sort up" and "Sort down".45243
Some dropdowns close when resized45456
Node property drop-downs cannot be opened after refreshing a Node entity.46367
A User that does not have permission "Edit System settings" can still edit the Description property in the System settings.42672

iCPS v4.1 Update 4

Version: 4.1.1822.400

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
RuntimeError reporting from service during retries of operations that take longer than expected has been improved.44971
The queue name is now included in error logs created by Worker hosts originating from queue communication.45844
InstallationOption to add M3 drivers are added to setup program.44150
DocumentationInformation about Web APIs in help file has been restructured for better overview.41639
iCore InvokeiCoreInvokeConnector - It is now possible to cache iCore Invoke Connector instances [Relnote: see description]41349
AS2Configuration of AS2 headers to send as parameter to to the connected iCore system is now available for iCore AS2 web service.46206
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Entities and filtersSetting "User password policy" as a restricted operation in combination with some other restricted operation, causes the value for that User's restricted operation to be empty in the filter result.44918
Runtime and serviceChanging the Application pool for a Component configuration when the system is stopped when a Job in state 'Dispatch Pending' for that component exists, may cause the service to fail to process Jobs properly if the Application pool that the Component configuration was changed to is full.41951
Legacy AdministratorEntity filter created by "Save as" from an existing filter does not show up in the system tree until User has logged off and on again.46195
FrameworkThe error resulting from authentication failures when logging in to SFTP server does not provide enough information about the authentication failure.42298
The error resulting from failures of loading key files when logging in to SFTP server does not indicate that there was a problem loading the key file.42303
DeveloperThere is no editor with fixed values for put_ConsumeReleaseCharacter property on Infile Script object.24048
Script and functionsXML Parser does not respect the Max attribute of an element if there are multiple sibling elements with same XML name.37976
Script that parses a structure may fail with 'MandatoryGroupMissingException'. This happens if a Group does not have the exact number of repetitions that it is configured with.43594
Known issues for v4.1 Update 4

Below is a list of known issues and bugs.

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
ServicesThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Legacy AdministratorUpdating more than one cross reference value causes Add operation warning in Legacy Admin.46343
Import and exportIt's not possible to import User groups, that are exported from version 4.1 Update 4, in an earlier version within this RTM.45840
When trying to copy a system into a new one without any conflicts an error message appears saying cannot import because of conflicts [ImpExpTool].46314
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872
Cannot edit View Mode Filter before refreshing the details view of that User or User group.44863
Drop down closes when dragging scrollbar.46402

v4.1 Update 3

Update and Servicepacks

4.1 Update 3 SP7
4.1 Update 3 SP6
4.1 Update 3 SP5
4.1 Update 3 SP4
4.1 Update 3 SP3
4.1 Update 3 SP2
4.1 Update 3 SP1
4.1 Update 3

v4.1 Update 3 SP 7

Version: 4.1.1767.307
Release date: 2019-09-12

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management
    Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7.
  2. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.
    When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  3. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of v4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)The 'All' display text is not updating correctly in filter results when changed in the property inspector for Event configurations.44688
Some dropdown editors can expand outside the browser window, making them only partially visible.45309
A user cannot edit Audit or Advanced system configuration unless they have permission to edit System settings in addition to edit Audit or Advanced system configuration.45890
Restricted operation is presented as "A value" in the filter result when Restricted operation is updated and User is saved.45998
"Node content" tab in Node entity details is not displayed when selecting a Node entity with a Node type that has a stylesheet assigned.[46191
Import and export toolUser Groups exported from iCore systems of version 4.1 Update 1 sometimes cannot be imported in iCore systems of later versions.45863
Selecting many Partners/Settings (or entities in general) to import in the ImportExport tool takes a long time.45869
Entity Filters with a condition on the 'Job.Job Type' property created in version earlier than 4.1 Update 3 cannot be imported in 4.1 Update 3 and later versions.46211
Text for Imported Assembly name conflict says "Public key token set to 'System.Byte[]'" instead of actual public key token value.46414
CmdletsDetach-iCoreSystem cmdlet fails when the database version of the system to detach is older than 3.30.0004.0:16. Error: "The system must be upgraded to the latest version before this operation can be performed."46297
Known issues 4.1 Update 3 SP 7

Below is a list of known issues and bugs.

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error:
The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work asexpected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Import and exportIt's not possible to import User groups, that are exported from version 4.1 Update 4, in an earlier version within this RTM.45840
When trying to copy a system into a new one without any conflicts an error message appears saying cannot import because of conflicts [ImpExpTool].46314
Forms AdminUpdating more than one cross reference value causes Add operation warning in Legacy Admin.46343
Administrator (Web)Entity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872
Drop down closes when dragging scrollbar.46402
Node property dropdowns can not be opened after refreshing a Node entity.46367

v4.1 Update 3 SP 6

Version: 4.1.1638.306
Release date: 2019-08-22

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)Some links for tracking entity details in Administrator are missing.44635
An Entity filter cannot be saved if the Starting category drop-down has been opened twice and no entity has been selected while another value has been changed inbetween.45221
Editing View mode filter properties on a User causes unexpected error: [Cannot retrieve key of type Int32 from EntityGuidKey with key of type Guid].45350
The checkbox for "Protected data access" is not always disabled when a User has "Modify protectable" as restricted operation.45999
List of available Node attributes is empty when adding a Node attribute to a Node.46174
Import and export toolEntityVersion warning is not shown when source (file) is selected before destination (system).45836
Workflow designerSpawn Workflow activity designer does not list the arguments of the spawned Workflow.45970
Instead of only listing Entity filters for the selected entity type in 'Get Filtered Entities' filter editor, all Entity filters are listed.45971

v4.1 Update 3 SP 5

Version: 4.1.1367.305
Release date: 2019-07-11

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes

AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)Some links are missing for tracking entity details in web admin.44635
Parent job property on Event details says "(null)" instead of Parent job ID in bread crumb when navigated to from Event.44828
Unable to deserialize entity in Chrome; key property is missing" error message when saving Entity filter after opening drop down which does not fit in browser window.45221
During som cirumstances wrong filter result may be shown for filters w grouped filter result and argument.45736
The flags enum editor used for RestrictedOperations on User does not properly handle dependent flags (Chrome).45827
FrameworkSaving Entity filter, from Adminstrator or during system upgrade, results in error: "Could not save filter: Cannot use property "Job" as parameter since the filter has a group by on this property and grouping is visible in system tree."45963
Runtime and serviceStarting clustered system sometimes causes database deadlock and the WHM fails to start.45887

v4.1 Update 3 SP 4

Version: 4.1.1328.304
Release date: 2019-07-03

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)It is possible to ungroup already ungrouped filter expressions which causes them to disappear.45707
On a Node, the values for Node type, Node type version and Partner are presented as empty values if the values are set to none.45716
Import and Export toolSelecting many partners for export in ImportExport tool takes a long time.26975
Administrator (Forms)Log entries cannot be opened.45594
Runtime and serviceJobs that were empty (null) in the matched Event configuration are missing RunParam.45689
Workflow designerWorkflow Designer memory usage increases constantly.45311

v4.1 Update 3 SP 3

Version: 4.1.1239.303
Release date: 2019-06-18

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)Ungroup items command does not ungroup all filter expressions.44073
Scripts that are added inline always inherit from ScriptBase.44983
Import and Export toolImporting Entity filters with a Group by in system tree on a property used as filter parameter causes error 'Cannot use property X as parameter'.45394
Importing an Entity filter for Log entries that has a parameter on LogLevel and was created in a version earlier than 3.0 fails with error 'Could not load type iCore.Common.Entities.LogLevel'.45629
Workflow activitiesGet Node Member Value activity fails with 'Invalid cast' for property Node type version.45691

v4.1 Update 3 SP 2

Version: 4.1.1186.302
Release date: 2019-06-07

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceRunning or compiling adaterflow (in the same program or Worker Host) after executing a Workflow with the 'Re-run job' activity fails with 'JobManagerNotifier is not marked as serializable..'45497
Workflow designerThe editors for selecting a Partner/Setting, Attribute Group or Attribute Value does not list any values.45535
An empty message box with 4 buttons may be shown when the edited Workflow contains a GetPartner/SettingAttributeValue<>activity.45556

v4.1 Update 3 SP 1

Version: 4.1.1173.301
Release date: 2019-06-05

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)The drop-down editor for selecting an entity property in an Entity filter's selection criteria is closed when the vertical scrollbar is dragged with the mouse.43762
The drop-down editor for selecting a value in a Custom entity filter's selection criteria shows available values for another filter part.44097
In the details view of a Log entry, the button for editing the associated Component definition may open the wrong Component definition. This happens when the Component definition was executed by another Component definition.44641
When logging on to an iCore system, a read audit of the User's View mode filter is written to the Audit log.44814
When logging on to an iCore System, a read audit of the User's User group is written to the Audit log.44815
Selecting a Partner or Setting in an Entity filter result generates additional read audits regarding other entities.44929
Entities and filtersWhen upgrading an iCore system, only one entry is written (at start of the upgrade operation) to the Audit log.44849
Adding a selection criteria on the ID property in the 'All' part of a Custom entity filter results in an error when running the filter.44852
Upgrading an iCore system generates audit of entitites: Update, Read and Compile.45011
Import and export toolImporting a Web service client filter from iCore version 3.30 throws TargetInvocationException when selecting which entities to import.45448
DeveloperOpen Script fails when the system's configured database server has a name which contains leading/trailing whitespace(s). Error: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.44042
CmdletsEntries are written to the audit log when cmdlet Import-iCoreEntity is executed with the switch parameter "DryRun".44933
Cmdlets in module iCore.Web.Administration that are executed in a PowerShell (x86) console do not show the warning that they must be executed in a 64-bin PowerShell console.45248
Adapter flow activitiesIt's not possible to reset the Error reporting event. Value 'None' isn't listed in the drop down list.45414
There is no button to open the Code Expression editor for Data source connections in Adapterflow data activities.45449
Parameter 'Set value' dialog of M3/Movex API command does not show simple binding value.45461
Public typesReading the MatchedEventConfiguration property of public IJob throws a NullReferenceException when the Job does not have an associated Event configuration.45231
InstallationTCP Endpoint Configuration of the Management service is reset to disabled after a repair of the iCore installation.45010

v4.1 Update 3

Version: 4.1.997.300
Release date: 2019-05-13

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Admin (Web)All start and stop commands are now available in the Administrator tool.42889
A confirmation dialog is now displayed before all start and stop commands are executed.42890
Entity details can be opened in new tabs when ctrl-clicking on entity links and the Open details command in entity context menus. Ctrl + Enter now opens the details of a selected entity in new tabs in entity filter rows.44326
CmdletsBatch import file now has action 'ForceImport' which imports entities even if they are not modified.42089
EntitiesAdditional actions are now written in the audit log. Which actions are written is configured in the System settings.41579
Permissions "Show" and "List" have been merged into one ("Read").43066
Public typesMethod 'Audit' is now added to ISystem for writing audit logs.41489
Additional properties on the User entity are now writable. Properties can be updated from PowerShell.42944
ToolsCheck references tools now support batch-fixing of all errors of same type.43073
WebApi editorIt is now possible to filter error messages in the error list based on severity in the Web API editor.44951
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Administrator (Web)Pressing Enter in Confirm delete dialog does not confirm the delete.41542
When adding Scripts inline, 'Standard (Old)' and 'Trigger' are available as Type.42313
The Administrator tool client memory consumption increases which causes the application to crash.42222
When pressing the Delete key while editing the description of an entity, the text is not deleted. Instead, the Confirm Delete dialog is shown.42286
Adapterflow filters with a filter expression on entry point does not show the selected entry point when the filter is edited in the Administrator tool.42301
If a Timer part with a value for Active and an Event configuration part with a value for Status is added to a Custom filter, the ranges of available values consists of values from both parts.42412
The password dialog displays the wrong text when trying to export selected rows as encrypted.42692
A User that does not have permission to list Entity filters cannot show filters for an Entity type that does not have a configured default filter.42939
The value 'All' is not showing for some filter expressions in Event Configuration filter definitions.43032
Refreshing the System status page with the F5 key does not work in the Chrome browser.43049
It is not possible to change time values using arrow up and down in Chrome and Firefox.43333
Selecting a Category of any Entity displays "[object Object]" in the filter result grid instead of the selected value.43344
For some error log entries, Source and Source type are missing.43238
Filters having User parts with conditions on Usergroup.Name does not show the condition when editing the filter in the Administrator tool.43459
Adding Categories to an entity without Categories from the property inspector causes the Categories tab to crash.43795
Default size and minimum size on dropdown editors and dialogs are too small.44346
The "Edit in tool" button for Parent job definition in the Event details tab is only shown on the first row that is clicked.44351
Property 'ID' is missing from available Columns in Entity filter filter definitions.44443
In the permissions details tab on User groups, Event is incorrectly presented as "Event and Jobs".44890
Node filters with LIKE operators on Node attributes cannot be edited in the Administrator tool.43088
The link to the Administrator tool help does not work if the site is installed in some non-default paths.42926
The name value is not committed if pressing the Enter key while editing the name field in the new filter dialog.42559
DocumentationThe documentation about port usage in relation to the iCore Management service and clustered systems is unclear.42378
Entities and filtersEntity reference of type UserDefinedIntegrity is removed when an automatically added reference is created or removed between the same entities as the UserDefinedIntegrity reference.43691
When changing a Node Attribute Value, the Modified property of the Node uses a timestamp from the local machine instead of the database server.44238
Search in Entity filter result on ImportedAssembly's PublicKeyToken property does not work.42729
The Custom Entity filters list contains filters that the User does not have permission to execute.43045
Search in Entity filter result gives incorrect result if the Entity filter contains selection criteria with 'OR'.41937
An Entity filter with Component definition as Selection criteria does not work correctly.42395
Runtime and serviceSometimes iCore services do not start when 'Delayed' start has been selected.42366
Workflow activitiesAn incorrect error message is written to the iCore log when the Cleanup Auditlog Workflow activity reaches Maximum Total Duration.41997
Administrator (Forms)The Modified date of an Adapterflow is not updated when its properties are updated in the Administrator tool.41841
When adding Scripts inline, 'Standard (Old)' and 'Trigger' are available as Type.42313
Custom Entity filter with selection criteria on ImportedAssembly's PublicKeyToken shows an incorrect read-only value on the selection criteria.42829
A User that does not have permission to list Entity filters cannot show filters for an Entity type that does not have a configured default filter.42939
Property 'ID' is missing from available Columns in Entity filter filter definitions.44443
An error occurs when trying to view a Job's related Events or Nodes in the Job details tab if the User does not have Read permission for Events and/or Nodes. Error: "Incorrect syntax near ')'."44515
Import and ExportExporting an Entity filter from a System where Data protection is set to "Encryption" may fail if the filter contains a column that is a protected attribute value.43387
Filters are not included when selecting the System node in Import export tool.44962
ToolsThe BuildComponent tool fails with an unexpected error when the User does not have sufficient permissions.42054
Import and export toolSelecting the "Filter Definitions" node results in an error if the User does not have Read permission for Entity Filters.44514
Entities are not listed under some circumstances in the Import-Export Tool.41198
Filters are not included when selecting the System node in Import export tool.44962
Run component toolExecuting a Workflow, that has an in argument of type IPartner and a Spawn Workflow Activity causes an error when the Workflow is executed in the Run Component tool.42268
CmdletsCmdlet Build-iCoreWebService has the wrong default value for CompilationSource (UseCachedCode instead of UseCachedDefinition).43040
The Detach-iCoreSystem cmdlet does not uninstall the iCore system service if the flag -Force is set.43348
Uninstall-iCoreService cmdlet does not have the Switch parameter 'Force'.43349
Update-iCoreSystem cmdlet displays a progress bar that says "Upgrade System Something" instead of the system's actual name.44196
WebApi EditorThe Web API editor cannot be started if the System Access Service is not installed on the machine.43378
When editing large Web APIs, the performance of the editor becomes severely degraded.43664
A large number of unnecessary information-level messages are displayed in the error list of the Web API editor.44955
Script and functionsXSLT transformation in Script fails with 'DTD is prohibited' error even when the property NewParser is set to False_Value.42405
Run Stored Procedure function's 'Null parameter options' gets the wrong value after update or import from an older iCore version making the Script non-compilable.43320
Remote input, iCore Invoke and iCore APIAuthorization check of the configured iCore User is not performed correctly in some scenarios. Make sure that the configured User has sufficient permissions.44640
Known issues for iCPS v4.1 Update 3
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Import and exportIt's not possible to import User groups, that are exported from version 4.1 Update 4, in an earlier version within this RTM.45840
WebadminEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

v4.1 Update 2

Update and Servicepacks

4.1 Update 2 SP6
4.1 Update 2 SP5
4.1 Update 2 SP4
4.1 Update 2 SP3
4.1 Update 2 SP2
4.1 Update 2 SP1
4.1 Update 2

v4.1 Update 2 SP 6

Version: 4.1.928.206
Release date: 2019-04-02

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Workflow activitiesClean-up Tracking activity fails to retry when a database deadlock is encountered. Error: 'This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable'.43409
Clean-up Tracking activity fails when deleting a Node that is associated with unprocessed Events. Error: 'The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint'.43792

v4.1 Update 2 SP 5

Version: 4.1.896.205
Release date: 2019-03-19

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Entity filtersExecuting an Entity filter grouped by Node type version causes the error "Invalid column name".44121

v4.1 Update 2 SP 4

Version: 4.1.885.204
Release date: 2019-03-11

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Adapterflow activitiesAdapterflow SFTP activities may fail to connect to SFTP server with error "There is no cipher supported by both: client and server".43984
SystemsIt is not possible to attach an encrypted iCore System, the system protection password dialog keeps showing up after a password has been entered.43388

v4.1 Update 2 SP 3

Version: 4.1.881.203
Release date: 2019-03-06

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Workflow activitiesWorkflow activity "Open SFTP/FTP Connection" may fail to connect to SFTP server with error "Operation Login failed; There is no cipher supported by both: client and server".43840

v4.1 Update 2 SP 2

Version: 4.1.861.202
Release date: 2019-02-25

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Script and functionsThe XML Parser Object's Get_CurrentXMLNode property may return an invalid XML Node Object. This happens when the parsed XML data defines a namespace. The following properties on the XML Node Object then returns an incorrect value:
     NamespacePrefix - returns empty string.
     NamespaceURI - returns the namespace prefix
     Name - returns the base name.
Workflow activitiesSend AS2 MDN activity fails when sending a signed MDN that has been deserialized from XML. Error: "No certificates for signing is specified."43741
EntitiesDeleting an Entity reference of type UserDefinedIntegrity fails if an automatically added Entity reference is also present.43400
Entity filtersEntity filters with a condition on Primary or Secondary Application pool always produce empty results.43401
Known issues 4.1 Update 2 SP2-SP6

Below is a list of known issues and bugs.

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
WebadminEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872
New filter name is not taken when the filter is created by using Enter key in WebAdmin.42559

v4.1 Update 2 SP 1

Version: 4.1.820.201
Release date: 2019-01-28

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Codegen toolThe XmlSchemaParsingGenerator used in generators of ScriptCodeGen now supports generator to stop parser from proceeding into child elements, as well as filtering out certain XmlSchemaElements.43196
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceThe System Event Processor (SEP) produces endless warnings if it cannot send notifications to the active Event Processor (EP).42701
During system shutdown, a synchronous Job can end up in "Start Pending" state without having been started, which in turn causes the creator of the Job to wait for a response, and the system does not shut down.42724
Administrator (Web)User-defined entity references cannot be deleted.42367
All entity types can be selected as Definition type for expressions in Component filter.42399
Event configuration Filters cannot be saved if they have a condition that is set to Partner, Node type or Node type version = All.42404
Some properties are missing when creating conditions in Entity filters for Nodes.42777
EntitiesLogin to iCore fails for certain Users due to a detection of password re-usage. This happens after User password policy option 'Enforce password history' is changed from 0 to a value greater than 0.41393
It is not possible to add a condition on System internal in Entity filters for some entity types.42414
A password change prompt is shown every time a user attempts to log on to an iCore system, even if the password was changed on the first logon.42825
When executing an Entity filter, parameter selection fails when the parameter is of an entity type that the current User does not have permission to List or Show.42849
Administrator (Forms)Execution of Custom filter fails with error "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.". Occurs when the All part contains a condition on Name property.42572
SAS serviceUnder some circumstances in a multi-user scenario, the System Access Service may become unresponsive and cause a high CPU usage.43131

v4.1 Update 2

Version: 4.1.730.200
Release date: 2018-12-17

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Admin (Web)Administrator (web) View Mode Filter – new configuration on User & User group to define how tree is presented to a user.40727
Administrator (forms)Administration tool (forms) application is now deprecated and will be removed in future releases. To prepare for upcoming releases, install and configure the web-based Administration tool.41553
CmdletsSet-iCoreUserPassword - New cmdlet to change the password for an existing User.41128
iCore APIiCore API Web service is now deprecated.41150
FrameworkThe M3 (Movex) drivers are updated to version
Import and ExportThe Audit configuration in System settings is now exportable.40495
The User password policy configuration in the System settings is now exportable.41379
DocumentationDocumentation regarding Supported encryption algorithms in SFTP activities in Workflows and Adapterflows has been added.41160
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Webapi editorSyntax highlighting in source file of type Usage is not updated when the type is manually renamed.40118
Web API document tab titles are not marked as modified (with an asterisk) when rename type command is used.40233
Public typesValidDaysOfMonth property on public entity ITimer starts at 0 instead of 1.41409
DeveloperImport XML Schema - No XML Schema validation error description is reported back to the user.40154
Developer shows incorrect error message if the login fails due to an internal error when opening Scripts from Administrator.40392
Runtime and serviceDuring certain circumstances under heavy load, a sync event may return an error to the calling Component when the Job was actually re-dispatched and run successfully at a later point.41953
Under some extraordinary circumstances, a Job may get stuck in a Running state even though it was never started after the connection between WHM and JM was lost.41988
Sysadm utilityThe tab order is incorrect in database information step in the Create New iCore System wizard.41140
Administrator (Web)The Event type, Priority and Event parameters in the Create event dialog are not saved between browser sessions.40544
Increment and decrement buttons do not work for number editors in Chrome, Firefox and Edge.40972
Users without the right permissions can view and edit Audit configuration.41155
The permissions for system settings is not listed under User group permissions.41255
It is only possible to edit Audit configuration if the User belongs to a User group with permission to edit System settings.41407
Listing Node attributes in details view results in poor performance.41894
Export files gets wrong default name.41895
Import and ExportExample XML files for batch import are old and do not validate against the batch import schema.37945
ToolsDescriptions of User password policies are inconsistent when shown in login dialog.40524
DatabaseDaily Maintenance sometimes fails with database conflict error 'The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblJobs_tblEvents"'. The error occurs when the system event '__iCore_SystemSessionCreated' has only the Job which starts the server part '__iCore_ServerMonitor' associated with it, caused by an error during system failover or related operation.41093
The database minor version value is padded with a leading zero when the value is between 0 an 9.41611
EntitiesOutOfMemoryException may occur when running Update-iCoreSystem or compiling entities on many and/or large systems via PowerShell.41153
The modified date of a User group is not committed to the database when changing a property of the User group.42737
CmdletsExport-iCoreEntity reports a NullReferenceException when there are no entities of the selected Entity type in the source system.41397
Execution of iCore cmdlet may fail with error: "Could not load file or assembly '<fullname of the assembly that failed to load>'"42226
Administrator (Forms)The value of a Last compiled condition in an Adapterflow Entity filter is not saved.42605
There is no editor for condition on Upgrade date in Entity filters for Adapterflow/Workflow/Script.42606
Script and functionsUpgrading a system with many (i.e. several hundred) Scripts causes memory leaks which may crash the system upgrade process.41843
"Class not registered" or "Dll initialization" errors may occur when compiling a very large amount of Scripts at once.42099
Adapter flow wizardClosing the Adapterflow Wizard produces a Logout entry in the Audit log if the tool was started from the Administrator.42520
DocumentationInformation about Script variable type LargeInteger is missing for Script functions.42669
Known issues 4.1 Update 2 and 4.1 Update 2 SP1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
WebadminEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872

v4.1 Update 1

Update and Servicepacks

4.1 Update 1 SP1
4.1 Update 1

iCPS Update 1 SP 1

Version: 4.1.620.101
Release date: 2018-10-25

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorWhen the details of an entity is opened from an Entity filter, only the "bread crumb" path root node is displayed.39327
Some favorites that were added prior to v4.1.1 are not displayed in the system explorer tree if view mode is favorites only.40956
It is not possible to view or edit protected attribute values.41751
Import and ExportClicking the checkbox for Filter definitions does not result in the box getting checked.40436
Exporting a Web service client that has been imported from a V2 system fails if the Web service client has not been compiled.40599
WebApi EditorAdding a new document to a Web API results in a code analysis warning if the document filename does not start with a capital letter.40461
AdministratorUsing the F1 key to open the help file from the Local settings dialog does not work and causes an error.40713
iCore InvokeAuthorization check of the configured iCore User is not performed correctly in some scenarios.
Make sure that iCore Invoke is configured with an iCore User that belongs to a User group that is granted the appropriate permissions
Runtime and serviceAssembly files that belong to Components may be locked the first time the Component is run, which may lead to one or more Worker hosts continuously failing to run that specific Component.41118

iCPS 4.1 Update 1

Version: 4.1.327.100
Release date: 2018-06-25

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorAbout dialog is now available.26280
The Delete entity command now displays a confirm dialog that shows the properties of the object being deleted.31226
A loading indication is now displayed when logging on to an iCore system.32677
The document view for each section node in the system explorer tree contains links to the entities that belong to the section.40189
Key bindings are shown in the context menu and in the tooltips of the toolbar buttons. Common key bindings such as Insert (Add) and Delete has been added to the application. Application navigation keys are available (for example, pressing F6 navigates to Property inspector).40199
The System explorer tree has a new structure.40218
Link to iCore help file is available if local installation is enabled in application.40251
Ctrl + mouse click opens a tree node in a new browser tab.40344
iCore product version and database version are shown in the System information view.40503
Workflow activitiesNew activity - Clean-up Audit log.40490
EntitiesA new entity, Audit log, is now available. The Audit log is a read-only presentation of the recorded audit data in an iCore system. By default, only iCore Users of the Administrators User group has access to the Audit log.40111
FrameworkAttaching or detaching a system now requires authentication with valid User credentials.40711
WebApi EditorThe Web API Editor can now add missing using statement for the appropriate namespace.38970
The command bar in the Web API Editor has been replaced with a menu.40116
The Web API Editor now supports renaming of C# code files.40117
Runtime and serviceThe iCore runtime and services now implements auditing. Auditing is the process of recording User activity in an iCore system. Auditing is disabled by default. For more detailed information on auditing, please refer to the iCIS help file.40111
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Webapi editorNo warning regarding unsaved changes is shown when closing a Web API which has not been saved after adding or removing documents.40059
The help file does not open when pressing F1 in the Web API Editor.40146
Public typesBreaking Change: The type of the property IUser.Password in the public API has been changed from 'object' to 'string'.38984
DeveloperThe 'Any' Element created by XML schema import filter is missing Min and Max attributes.40584
RuntimeServer startup sometimes fails if a Job gets an excessively large number of history entries.40297
Sysadm utilityA system cannot be detached if a service has been installed and the uninstall action fails.40652
Web AdministratorSome validation errors are not correctly displayed in System settings dialog.39264
Row color and row selection on columns that holds editors is not consistent.39779
Breadcrumb for long paths is displayed outside the toolbar.39833
Popup does not have initial focus on the first editable item.40035
Section tree node is visible in system tree even if the User is not authorized to view any of the child entities.40232
The F5 key can only be used once to refresh the filter result if an entity row is selected when pressing the key.40441
Updating application setting values has no effect on opened tabs, and the updated value is not always saved when working with multiple tabs.40545
Using the PowerShell script "Update-AlliCoreWebAdminApplications.ps1" to update Administrator site sometimes result in errors.40657
EventParam value is null when an Event is created from the Web Administrator.40750
It is not possible to add a new Workflow to a Component configuration.40823
The Content tab in the details view is not updated when navigating between nodes in a filter result.40874
Known issues 4.1 Update 1 and 4.1 Update 1 SP1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
AdministratorEntity row is not selected when navigating to a filter that is in grouped view and the url contains the entity key.40872
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332

iCPS 4.1 Sp 2

Release date: 2018-05-31

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorFirst column in drop-down editors with entity listing does not get the column width specified in the web.config file.40250
Editors for enums that are read-only can have their value changed with the arrow keys.40280
It is not possible to add a new Server to an iCore system (using the Web Administrator).40527
Import and ExportUser groups cannot be imported because of an error that occurs during validation. Error: [Unexpected error, InvalidCastException: [Unable to cast object of type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.SerializablePermissionGrant' to type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.Serializable']40152
Typing the encryption password in the Import-Export tool when exporting entities causes an error.40444
FrameworkIn some scenarios, the Received-Content-MIC field in AS2 MDN does not specify the MIC algorithm that was specified by field "Disposition-Notification-Options" in the received AS2 message.39979
Sysadm utilitySystem upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1 (database patch 9) fails when there are Log entries in the system that do not specify a User.40636
Known issues 4.1 Sp 2
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332

iCPS 4.1 Sp 1

Release date: 2018-05-03

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorSometimes the first time login to iCore system fails.39615
Display name for an enum value is the same as enumerated name in the enum type.27462
Timespan editor does not display milliseconds when the value is displayed as formatted time string in Advanced system settings.38790
Refresh key binding (F5) does not work in systemtree in Chrome, Firefox and EDGE.39668
If an exception occurs in backend during export, Web admin freezes with an "Executing command" modal dimmed screen, and no error is displayed.39723
Event priority under Timer events is listed as _N.39780
Editor for priority argument in Create Event dialogs does not list the available priority values.39781
Using arrow keys to navigate the System explorer tree does not work in Chrome and EDGE.39844
When a connection to the web server cannot be established, the error toaster displays a default message instead of a message telling the user that the client could not connect to server.39955
Drop-down editors displaying entity listings are too small and difficult to read.40027
Import and ExportExporting compiled Scripts results in a corrupt IEO file that cannot be imported.40226
Known issues 4.1 Sp 1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332
Import and ExportUser groups cannot be imported because of an error that occurs during validation. Error: [Unexpected error, InvalidCastException: [Unable to cast object of type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.SerializablePermissionGrant' to type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.Serializable']40152
Web AdministratorUser groups cannot be imported [Unexpected error, InvalidCastException:[Unable to cast object of type'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.SerializablePermissionGrant'to type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.Serializable']]39222

v4.1 RTM

Release date: 2018-04-27

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Webapi editorThe Web API Editor now supports adding and removing C# code files.
/Note however that certain files which are part of the initial Web API definition template cannot be removed.
A column for code identifying compilation errors and warnings has been added.38037
It is now possible to toggle brace auto completion on/off.38243
The Web API Editor is now licensed.39199
Public typesProperties on public INode are now writable.38888
Script and functionsThe native (legacy) implementation of Script Structure objects has been removed.
Starting with iCIS v4.0, the default implementation of Script Structure objects was set to managed. However, it was still possible to switch back to the native implementation. This option is no longer available.
The native (legacy) implementation of Script Infile object has been removed. Starting with iCIS v4.0, the default implementation of Script Infile object was set to managed. However, it was still possible to switch back to the native implementation. This option is no longer available.27648
MSMQ Queue Object now includes Parameter 'Check if queue exists' on method OpenQueue.33361
HTTP Client and Server Script objects now support explicit configuration of TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.37422
SMTP Object now includes parameter 'StartTlsOption' on method Login.38354
Script function Run Stored Procedure now has an option for how to handle parameter values that are null.38061
New options are available for configuration of FTP Server Object:
   Buffer size
   Incoming speed limit
   Outgoing speed limit
   Use IPv6
   Use FEAT command
   Virtual host name
Script Application Directory has been renamed to "Compilation work directory". This directory is now used to store intermediate and temporary files during compilation. In addition to this, the files generated when compiling a base Script is no longer needed to successfully compile the child Script since this information is now stored in the system database when compiling.39602
The Infile Object now reads the whole file when 'Record Length' is set to 0 and 'Record Separation' is set to 'Fixed' or 'Max'.39810
The Open method on Script object Outfile now has an option for writing byte order mark (BOM).39925
Adapterflow activitiesNew options are available for configuration of FTP(S) reader and FTP(S) writer:Account info Buffer size Use SSL resumption Speed limit Use IPv6 Use FEAT command Virtual host name.38935
Send E-mail (SMTP) activity now includes an argument for how to use StartTLS.39465
Workflow activitiesSend e-mail activity now supports Cc and Bcc recipients.36396
New options are available for configuration of FTPS activities:
   Buffer size
   Use SSL resumption
   Incoming speed limit
   Outgoing speed limit
   Use IPv6
   Use FEAT command
   Virtual host name
The Send Mail activity now includes an argument for how to use StartTLS.39464
Workflow activities with an input stream now have a 'close stream' option.39639
CmdletsiCore cmdlets now support CRUD operations on the Cross-reference entity.38856
The New-iCoreSystem cmdlet now supports Windows authentication for database access.39181
Web AdministratorThe option to refresh view using F5 key is now available.36775
User password policy can now be configured in Web Administrator tool.
Password policies for users can now be configured under the Security tab in System Settings. Only users with the Restricted operation "User password policy" are allowed to configure password policies.
A user password change is required if the user password does not comply with the password policy of the system.38415
Save assembly command is now available on the Imported assembly entity.38546
Progress dialog is automatically closed on successful operation.38547
It is now possible to close Start / Stop progress dialog before completion.38868
A User can now initiate a password change on its own account.39123
The default column size of several views has been increased.39347
Client sessions are kept alive on the server side until IIS recycles the Application pool or the client finishes its session by signing out. If Forms-autentication is used, the user has to provide its credentials if user has been inactive for certain amount of time. This timeout can be configured in the Web.config of the iCore Web Administrator.39526
EntitiesSecurity improvements for iCore Users:
   User password policy enables configuration of password requirements for an iCore system.
   All iCore Servers run under their own implicit iCore Users.
New properties have been added to the User entity resulting in improved User management:
   "Must change password at next logon" - The User's password must be changed at next logon.
   "Password never expires" - The User's password never expires.
   "Disabled" - The User is blocked from using the iCore System.
The default password on a new iCore system needs to contain at least eight characters.39258
User groups and their associated permissions can now be fully edited and exported/imported.39370
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorThe warning message shown when editing advanced system settings is poorly phrased.38622
Validation errors are not displayed correctly when editing System settings.38655
Validation warnings are not displayed correctly when editing System settings.38656
Command "Reset to default value" is missing from advanced system settings.38714
System settings values are cached in SAS session on a failed save, resulting in the wrong values being displayed.38797
It is not possible to double-click on a property in the filter editor to toggle between selected/unselected.38816
Dialogs do not close/commit when ESC/Enter key is pressed.38867
Executing "Open node content" when the local computer does not have access to the Node directory results in an error.38886
'Initializing Web administrator' overlay does not disappear when no connection can be established with at least one SAS of two or several.38956
Selecting and positioning text in text property editor does not work as expected.39056
The filter grouping tree does not show correct result when using a grouped filter as default filter (groups are shown in result views).39223
The border of the editor for "Old password" in the dialog for Change password on encrypted system is missing.39241
The value for the property Modified is not read-only in the set stylesheet dialog.39265
An empty message is shown as last message in progress details when deleting a filter.39269
It is not possible to select a row by clicking to the right of the last column in a filter result.39378
Performance when viewing Jobs in the Job details view of a Node in Web Admin is poor.39533
The selected entity is deselected after a successful compile procedure.39537
It is now possible to edit some properties of a Server part under System monitor.39770
A user is allowed to re-run Jobs of type __iCore_ChildJob and __iCore_GenericComponent.39829
It is not possible to assign a string attribute value with the UniversalSortableDateTimePattern format.39831
Child tree nodes in system explorer tree fail to load for large group results.39835
Workflow designerManaging references for external assemblies and imported assemblies does not show public key token.38885
Script and functionsScript object Outfile writes a byte order mark (BOM) for some codepages. The following code pages results in a byte order mark:1201 - Unicode (Big-Endian)12000 - Unicode (UTF-32)12001 - Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian).39986
WorkflowsA Workflow with external assembly references may fail to compile when a reference in the Workflow is updated, or another Workflow references a different version of the same external assembly.38906
When an error occurs during spawned workflow completion, an incomplete error message is displayed ("Spawned instance with id [0] does not exist.")39681
AdministratorThe warning message shown when editing advanced system settings is poorly phrased.38622
Runtime and serviceiCore server does not log any information about why Jobs are not processed after being dispatched. The problem occurs when using an IP-address as Machine ID on a Server entity.38898
Under some circumstances, a database error may lead to a broken connection, which causes a WHM and WHM connection pool recovery failure.38953
WebApi EditorSome exceptions that are thrown from iCore.Public.Interop.IICoreInvokeConnector are not public and cannot be caught in Web API definitions.38708
Adding a Web API on a computer without the iCore system attached causes a NullReferenceException.38884
Managing references for external assemblies and imported assemblies does not show public key token.38885
DeveloperThe Developer does not create the Dll directory (sub directory to Script/Application) if it does not exist.38900
Web Service ClientsThe error message displayed when importing a REST Web Service client with a namespace name that is equal to a type name that is generated for the client is unclear.38874
Import and ExportProperty values of entities are presented in the wrong columns when switching between entity filters in the Import export tool.39827
Known issues for iCPS v4.1 RTM

Below is a list of known issues and bugs.

AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332
Import and ExportUser groups cannot be imported because of an error that occurs during validation. Error: [Unexpected error, InvalidCastException: [Unable to cast object of type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.SerializablePermissionGrant' to type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.Serializable']40152
Web AdministratorUser groups cannot be imported [Unexpected error, InvalidCastException:[Unable to cast object of type'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.SerializablePermissionGrant'to type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.Serializable']]39222
Sometimes the first time login to iCore system fails.39615
Refresh key binding (F5) does not work in systemtree in Chrome, Firefox and EDGE.39668

iCIS 4.0

v4.0 Update 3
v4.0 Update 2
v4.0 Update 1
v4.0 RTM

v4.0 Update 3

Update and Servicepacks

4.0 Update 3 SP3
4.0 Update 3 SP2
4.0 Update 3 SP1
4.0 Update 3

iCPS 4.0 Update 3 Sp 3

Version: 4.0.51150.303
Release date: 2018-04-11

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 4.00 Update 3, the references to iCore.Common and iCore.Common.Entities in Web APIs must be removed (important for Save only, not Compile).

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorPerformance issues occur when rendering entity details.38534
Workflow designerTextboxes in some Workflow activities are in the wrong horizontal position.38418
Webapi editorNo warning is shown when closing the Web API editor with unsaved changes.38972
AdministratorPartner name is not updated if a new identity is added at the same time.39230
A new entity cannot be created if a Category is specified. Applies to Node type and Node type version.39451
Script and functionsThe List method on the FTP Server Object fails with error "Standard format interpreter could not parse directory list entry".39857
ToolsCheckRefs.exe fails with 'Unable to load one or more of the requested types' error.39738
Import and exportThe contents of the Conflict text column sometimes gets so large that only one line is displayed at once.39410
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 3 SP3
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS servie is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332
Web AdministratorUser groups cannot be imported [Unexpected error, InvalidCastException:[Unable to cast object of type'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.SerializablePermissionGrant'to type 'iCore.Common.Entities.Serialization.Serializable']]39222
Refresh key binding (F5) does not work in systemtree in Chrome, Firefox and EDGE.39668
Webservice ClientImporting a REST Web Service client with a namespace that is equal to a type generated for the client leads to unactionable error message.38874

iCPS 4.0 Update 3 Sp 2

Version: 4.0.51118.302
Release date: 2018-03-20

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 4.00 Update 3, the references to iCore.Common and iCore.Common.Entities in Web APIs must be removed (important for Save only, not Compile).

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorThe Confirmation dialog which is displayed when deleting a Workflow sometimes shows a warning message with no dependencies listed.38869
Compiling a Script in Web Admin which is based on an Script that has not been compiled in Web Admin may fail with an error "Could not find a part of the path....".38899
Web admin can sometimes behave strangely due to an issue with first startup of System Access Service.39165
Minor fixes have been applied to drop-down editors.39187
The Filter result for entity type tree nodes is sometimes incorrect.39380
Import and exportImport of an updated Node Attribute fails with error 'The entity declaring the property INodeAttributeType.ParameterType is not a property change tracking entity'.39453
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 3 SP2
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332
Webservice ClientImporting a REST Web Service client with a namespace that is equal to a type generated for the client leads to unactionable error message.38874
WEB Api EditorNo warning is shown when closing the Web API editor without saving the changes.38972

iCPS 4.0 Update 3 Sp 1

Version: 4.0.51093.301
Release date: 2018-03-02

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 4.00 Update 3, the references to iCore.Common and iCore.Common.Entities in Web APIs must be removed (important for Save only, not Compile).

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Web APIThe template used when creating a new Web API now contains more guiding examples.38895
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorCompilation warnings are displayed as errors when compiling a Script.38747
Editor for timespan and numbers does not commit a value when the value is typed in the editor.38788
Refreshing a filter result displays the last selected row instead of the top of filter result.38850
The default filter for an entity type is not updated when saving its filter definition.38871
The Directories tab in System settings does not show system variable.38876
Application directory property in System settings is read-only.38878
The Web API schema target namespaces are truncated without any way to resize the column.38880
The context menu in the system explorer tree shows the Add entity command even though local tools are set to not installed.38887
"All" value is not saved when set on properties on an existing Event configuration.39076
After a filter definition has been saved, the system explorer tree displays the Node entity type.39084
An error message is shown when trying to remove a default Entity filter with parameters.39114
After a new filter has been created, the system explorer tree does not navigate to the new filter (even if filter is visible in tree).39119
Web Service clientsImporting SOAP Web Service client fails with error "The namespace X already contains a definition for WebserviceDefaultReferences" for some services.38535
Script and functionsParsing structures may cause various data length errors when parsing Jobs run simultaneously under the same worker process [Managed implementation].39039
Workflow designerIt is not possible to change a Reference from External reference to Imported assembly reference for an assembly.38659
EntitiesWhen iCore Web Administrator is installed as IIS Web application an "Upload failed" message is shown when selecting an assembly to add as Imported assembly.38559
It is possible to add an Imported assembly with an assembly that is not strongly named.38903
The (default) "All" filters for Web APIs and Imported Assemblies are listed as User-defined in the list of Entity filters.38943
A previously deleted system-defined entity filter can be re-created when upgrading the system.39008
Runtime and serviceiCore runtime may respond with an ErrorEnd-message when receiving an Express Event. This is only under some special conditions.38704
The service sometimes performs unnecessary work when processing a queue of Jobs with MaxConcurrent specified.38924
Import and exportImporting a Timer with additional Timer events causes unclear validation error in ImportExport tool: "Another timer event already has".38549
WebAPILog entries added from a Web API do not contain a value for "Source".38707
AdministratorAn IndexOutOfRangeException error occurs when attempting to attach to a system of an older version.38818
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 3 SP1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332
WEB Api EditorNo warning is shown when closing the Web API editor without saving the changes.38972
Web AdministratorWeb admin can sometimes behave strangely due to an issue with first startup of System Access Service.39165

iCPS 4.0 Update 3

Version: 4.0.51036.300
Release date: 2018-02-06

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 4.00 Update 3, the references to iCore.Common and iCore.Common.Entities in Web APIs must be removed (important for Save only, not Compile).

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Web API EditorThe Web API Editor now supports User group authorization check.32811
Web API editor now has a command for Auto format document.33295
Web API editor now has a command for Rename symbol.38013
WebAPICreating and publishing REST APIs is now an officially released feature and is no longer considered a preview.35078
The types SwaggerOwinSettings and SwaggerUiOwinSettings have changed names. SwaggerOwinSettings has been changed to SwaggerSettings.
Note: WebAPI definitions which use the old names need to be updated manually.
Web API definitions have been upgraded to Asp.Net Core
Web AdministratorCommand "Open details..." is now available in all entity listings.36999
References between entities can now be added by the user or the system.
User-added references can also be edited or deleted.
All references can be viewed under entity details.
Description of properties is visible in property inspector.37526
A Category can now be assigned to multiple entities (with a single action).37530
"Mark as lost" is now available as command for Job.37712
"Set status" command is now available for Event configurations.37713
"Toggle active" command is now available for Timers.37714
iCore Public APIPublic repositories


are now officially released and are no longer considered a preview.
The value of the property Errors of iCore.Public.AS2.IAS2Message can now be set.
Note: Workflows in which the value of the Errors property is set will not compile on systems running earlier versions of iCPS. For more information, refer to the "What's new" section in the iCIS help file.
All entity repositories for definitions and configurations in the public API now provide a GetAll method to retrieve all entities from the repository. The GetAll method is now also available for the following entities: Adapterflows, Application pools, Categories, Counters, Cross-references, Entity filters, Node Attributes, Partner attribute groups, Scripts, Servers, Setting attribute groups, Web APIs, and Workflows.37305
EntitiesNew entity - Imported assembly.The Imported assembly makes it possible to refer to .Net assemblies from Web APIs and Workflows.Note that the Imported assembly entity will not be importable in earlier versions of iCore under the same RTM version.37373
CmdletsNew cmdlets available for managing user-defined Entity references available:

      Entities and cmdlets to CRUD references between iCore entities.

For this release, we do not expose reference type, this defaults to /applies only to system-defined user reference type.
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorPressing <Enter> does NOT exit the editing mode on editors in the property inspector.36452
Under some circumstances, the filter parameter editors in the "Entity filter parameters" dialog are not showing.37096
A User that does not have Restricted operation ProtectedDataAccess can still add a protected Node attribute to a Node.37239
It is sometimes possible to navigate away from a filter with pending changes without getting a confirmation dialog.37247
ID values are formatted with thousands separator when displayed in filter results.37254
The Columns selector in a filter search does not show the right value initially if all columns are selected.37255
Filter result scrolls back to selected row when scrolling up/or down in a list with many items.37262
The Content tab is deactivated when switching between two Nodes where the tab is visible.37499
When executing the action "Save as" on filter definitions, the new filter is not opened in editing mode.37500
When executing the action "Save as" on a modified filter definition, a prompt is displayed where the user is asked if the users wants to discard changes in the filter definition.37545
When executing the action "Save as", changes to "Visible in tree" are not saved in the new filter.37584
When executing the action "Save as" while Entity type Node is active in the system tree, the new filter is not opened in edit mode.37587
When using the Chrome browser, it is not possible to export an entity using the context menu item "Export (plain)" or Export (encrypted)..."37619
Changes to Event type on an existing Timer Event sometimes does not get saved.38067
When using the edit dialog to change a setting or attribute value on a Setting or Partner, a message is shown stating that the entity has changes when pressing the ok button.38068
The dropdown editor for "When" value on Timers is not reset when selecting another Timer to edit.38070
Filter editing UI - Pressing "Save" button opens the drop-down menu.38077
Changes to type-specific properties on Web service clients cannot be saved.38140
Read-only properties for objects that are not entities are shown as editable in the Properties tab.38141
Filter editing - the option to hide filter has been moved to the Filter Details tab.38169
Default size of dialog boxes are often too small or too big.38170
In the property drop-down editors which appear when listing Entities, the following default sizes can be modified in the web.config:

      dropDownGridFirstColumnSize - the width of the first column when listing Entities.
      dropdownEntitySelectionEditorDefaultHeight - The default height of the dropdown area when listing Entities.
      dropdownEntitySelectionEditorDefaultWidth - The default width of the dropdown area when listing Entities.

For more information about how to modify these parameters, refer to the Customize Entity editor appearance section in the iCIS help file.
Pressing Ctrl+S does not commit and save the current property value in the Properties window.38227
It is not possible to add custom icons to a Node type.38296
The drop-down editor for property RestrictedOperation on the User entity list too many options.38621
Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger is shown when iCore SAS Proxy is started due to an unhandled Microsoft .NET framework exception.38627
EntitiesUsing a protected value as a condition in an Entity filter is not working correctly, and may result in an error (for int and float values) when the filter is executed in a system where Data protection is set to Encryption.36962
Script and functionsXML Writer StartElement method fails with 'Invalid name character' when using attribute collection which in turn includes attribute with basename which contains colon ':'. Unmanaged implementation of XML Writer Script object allowed the creation of invalid XML by setting an undeclared namespace prefix on an attribute in XML Writer Attributes Collection object using the AddAttribute method. This is no longer allowed in managed implementation of the object (released in v3.30), and doing so will result in a runtime error. For this reason, Scripts that contain AddAttribute methods of XML Writer Attributes Collection Object and have namespace prefix joined together with 'BaseName' using a colon (:) are updated so the namespace prefix is moved to the proper 'Namespace Prefix' argument. Note that if the namespace prefix is not declared using the AddNamespacePrefixMapping method, a runtime error will still occur when using the collection in XML Writer Object. To fix this problem, add the mapping using the AddNamespacePrefixMapping method on XML Writer object.38185
XML Parser schema validation fails when parsing XML data using schema imported from a Web API Client (REST) which contains imports of external schema files. Error example: ParseURL method on XML Parser object failed; XmlSchemaValidationException: [Type '' is not declared.] This happens when the Web service client (REST) has loaded its definitions from a Web API published by iCore.38242
Web API EditorDouble-clicking a Web API in the Open dialog does not open the Web API definition.38202
Web APIWhen compiling a Web API, a reference to iCore.Common is added.38611
A running Web API does not have access to the files appsettings.json and app.config.38631
DeveloperImporting XML Schemas from some Web Service REST Clients fails with error message "Failed to import structure definition".38240
It is not possible to update an imported Xml schema from a Web Service client with schemas from another Web service client of a different version.38246
SysadmUtilSystem upgrade incorrectly reports error "Web service clients were not compiled successfully" when failing to update all Web APIs.38607
OtherSome later versions of Visual Studio do not work properly after iCore has been installed.38412
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 3
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
CmdletsAfter update of iCPS binaries, cmdlets might fail to run (both from the iCore Powershell console, and from Powershell console.\ Error message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable Version Closing the console and reopening it solves the problem.38332
Web AdministratorWhen iCore Web Administrator is installed as IIS Web application an "Upload failed" message is shown when selecting an assembly to add as Imported assembly.38559

v4.0 Update 2

Update and Servicepacks

4.0 Update 2 SP4
4.0 Update 2 SP3
4.0 Update 2 SP2
4.0 Update 2 SP1
4.0 Update 2

iCPS 4.0 Update 2 SP 4

Version: 4.0.51005.204
Release date: 2018-01-16

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. When upgrading from a version prior to 4.00 Update 3, the references to iCore.Common and iCore.Common.Entities in Web APIs must be removed (important for Save only, not Compile).

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Script and functionsSMTP Object now supports StartTLS when required by mail server.38251

iCPS 4.0 Update 2 SP 3

Version: 4.0.50893.203
Release date: 2017-12-08

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorIncorrect navigation warning is shown after saving changes to eventconfiguration under certain circumstances.38005
iCore InvokeUsing infinite timeout (-1) in iCoreInvoke methods SendAndReceiveReply and SendAndReceiveReplyXml fails with 'Invalid value' error.37804

iCPS 4.0 Update 2 SP 2

Version: 4.0.50842.202
Release date: 2017-11-15

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorThe context menu item "Show milliseconds" for tracking entities sometimes does not work as intended.37281
Save filter actions are visible in the context menu in entity filter listing after toggling filter editing.37646
An entity filter search sometimes does not show correct results.37686
Exception is thrown when executing a filter grouped by Entity type and where some groups are empty.37698
Script and functionsThe return value of Script function ConvertDate is not zero-padded to a fixed width of three digits for format code '%j' [Managed implementation].37802
WorkflowsWorkflows using Web Service definitions (in iCPS versions earlier than 4.0) cannot be opened. The error message "Requested value 'WebServiceDefinition' was not found" is displayed.37696

iCPS 4.0 Update 2 SP 1

Version: 4.0.50784.201
Release date: 2017-10-31

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorThe symbol for revealing a protected value is only shown the first time a protected value is revealed.37201
Number editor is not shown correctly when used in filter expressions while filter is being edited.37246
Progress dialog displays decimal characters in progress percentage value.37256
Toggle filter definition button is visible when logged in as a user with 'user' or 'viewer' authorization.37272
Export commands are available for non-exportable entities (for example Partner identity).37279
Script and functionsThe ReadRecord method on Infile Object fails with error 'Index was outside the bounds of the array'. The error occurs when property 'Record separator release character' is set to an empty string and 'Record separation' is set to either 'Tab', 'CrLf' or 'Character' [Managed implementation].

Note: In native implementation, an empty string unintentionally implies that the 'null' character is used as release character.
Web Service ClientsImporting a REST client from swagger definition with path parameter of type array fails with " 'IEnumerable<string>' does not contain a definition for 'Select'..." error.37362
WorkflowsWorkflow compilation performance is degraded when multiple Workflows are compiled in succession.37063

v4.0 Update 2

Version: 4.0.50715.200
Release date: 2017-10-06

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceApplication pools can be manually restarted without having to perform an iCore system restart.36137
Web AdministratorCreate Timer Events command is now available.33270
Entity commands are available on tracking entity details.35853
When navigating away from an changed filter definition, a warning is displayed if the filter definition has not been saved.36284
Web APISecurity guidelines for publishing Web APIs are now included in iCIS help file.35076
Import ExportAll iCore entities now have a version number which corresponds to the iCore release in which the entity type was introduced or modified. Having versions associated with entities makes it easier to handle compatibility issues during entity export / import.35943
iCore Identity ServerThe iCore Identity Server (iIDS), which enables API security using OAuth2.0/OpenID Connect, is now available as a preview release.36335
DocumentationWeb Administrator installation instructions have been re-structured.36695
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorThe text for Edit Component definition in the context menu for Component configuration is not correctly updated if the definition type is changed.35002
Validation error is sometimes not hidden after successful save in the property inspector.36451
The property File Class is visible in the property inspector when editing or adding a Node type.36524
In some scenarios, when editing entity filter it is not possible to add an expression to filter part.36525
The group filter tree fails to load when a grouped entity filter definition which contains at least one parameterized expression is executed.36526
When editing filter definition, the property value editor in a filter row expression does not change if the property is changed.36531
It is not possible to edit non-composite filter which contains Entity type property as selected properties in columns or sorted columns.36556
It is not possible to edit entity filters which contain at least one selected nested property.36557
The main toolbar remains empty when navigating directly to an entity url in a new web session.36614
Entity filter definition parameter properties can be edited in the property inspector.36731
An error message "Not enough room to show this panel." is shown when the filter result view is too small for the "Edit filter definition"-view to be rendered.36733
When executing grouped filters with groups in result view with parameters, the user is queried for filter parameter(s) multiple times.36734
When the user tries to log in to an iCore system with incompatible version, the error message box contains two "OK" buttons.36735
The property inspector shows validation error for 'Inherits' property of the ScriptBase entity.36757
Some available columns for entities cannot be selected in a filter definition when trying to add columns to the filter definition.36767
No validation error is shown when user renames an existing filter to the same name as an existing filter.36973
CmdletsPowershell cmdLets for managing Web admin users does not show warning regarding 64-bit version.35189
Script and functionsScript that declare structure variables sometimes fail during initialization with error: "Failed to create record with id [GUID] in structure [GUID]." [Managed implementation].36654
WSMQ message object does not set the Flags property correctly when set through MessageInGroup, MessageIsLastSegment, MessageIsSegment and MessageLastInGroup properties with False_Value.36723
Parsing structure may run indefinitely or take a long time to finish. This happens when a structure has Groups with many Repetitions or Groups with Repetitions are nested. [Managed implementation].36768
Directory Search Object always returns lowercase property names of an item.36897
Script function Create Event fails when the 'Delay Until' argument is specified without seconds.36934
Structure parsing sometimes discards internal error details when errors are reported [Managed implementation].36940
The AddHtmlString function on the Mail Message Object does not respect the charset specified in the HTML META tag, with the consequence that Non-ASCII characters are lost.36990
DeveloperThe available schemas for entities disappear in the Import XML Schema dialog when navigating back and forth from the page that lists the schemas.35803
Runtime and serviceA NullReferenceException occurs when attempting to start the service on an unlicensed iCore system.36584
When stopping a system, warnings stating that "a server has been marked dormant" may be incorrectly emitted.36766
Under some exceptional circumstances, a WorkerHost fails to terminate on system shutdown even though all Jobs have finished.36863
Web APIImporting swagger definition fails with several errors including 'Feature tuples is not available in C# 6'.36939
When referencing an assembly from GAC that has a different version in the iCore\Bin directory, the wrong assembly may be referenced.37132
Workflow designerThe Workflow Designer may crash if an assembly with a different version than the one included in the iCore installation is referenced from GAC.36536
Workflow activitiesWorkflow Activity for a REST Web service client may fail with "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error message when EndpointAdress is not defined.37003
Adapterflow activitiesSystem function "Database version" returns incorrect value when system is created after updates or service packs have been installed.36549
EntitiesUnlike other tracking entities, the timestamps for Nodes are retrieved from the client computer instead of from the database server. This means that the timestamps on Nodes may differ from other tracking entities if the database server and the iCore server have different times.36543
Under some circumstances, running Daily Maintenance (Tracking Cleanup) causes an SQL server error to occur.36650
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 2
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web AdministratorA User that does not have Restricted operation ProtectedDataAcces can add a Node attribute, that is protected, to a Node.37239
EntitiesUsage of protected value as a condition in an Entity filter is not working correct and may result in an error (for int and float values ) when filter is executed in a system where Dataprotection is Encryption.36962
Web APIWarnings appear in the Web API editor for the default template due to mismatched assembly versions.32917

v4.0 Update 1

Update and Servicepacks

4.0 Update 1 SP1
4.0 Update 1

iCPS 4.0 Update 1 SP 1

Version: 4.0.50456.101
Release date: 2017-08-04

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.
  2. User groups from 4.1 Update 2 cannot be imported in previous versions of 4.1. There is a work around when importing from file, edit the file and remove view mode filter entries.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorWhen navigating using the keyboard in the entity details grid sometimes the selected entity in the filter view is shown in the properties view.32613
Pressing arrow down on the last row in filter results causes filter result to lose keyboard focus.35508
Event history detail tab belonging to Event tracking entity is sometimes empty if history detail view is active when switching between Events in the filter.36117
REST Webservice Clients cannot be compiled.36319
Web.config of WebAdmin contains wrong link to iCore home page.36424
Idenitities cannot be added or removed from Partners and Settings.36457
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 1 SP1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web APIWarnings appear in the Web API editor for the default template due to mismatched assembly versions.32917
Web AdministratorThe text for the edit component definition menu item in the context menu for component configuration is not correctly updated if the defintion type is changed.35002

iCPS 4.0 Update 1

Version: 4.0.50331.100
Release date: 2017-07-05

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceError messages and events are now periodically produced when an Application pool for a queued Job is unavailable.27053
Error messages and events are now periodically produced if a Server part has failed.27054
Web AdministratorEntity filters can now be added and edited.31873
Generation modes and Schema target namespace are now available in REST Web Services Client import from Web Administrator.35567
Message list in progress dialog boxes can be saved to file.35819
CmdletsNew PowerShell cmdlet Build-iCoreWebApi for compiling Web API definitions has been added.32217
Build Comp toolWeb API entity can be built with the Build Component tool.32218
SysadmutilWeb APIs are now compiled during system upgrade.32220
Script and functionsWhen importing an XML schema, it is now possible to apply a filter on the schema.35708
EntitiesTracking entities that have had children removed by tracking clean-up are now indicated as such.35288
When importing an XML Schema to a Script from a Web Service Client or Web API, a reference is added from the Script to the source entity of the schema. This also applies when updating an existing import.35711
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorDetailed messages in the progress dialog are truncated if they are too long (Compiling, System start).35097
An error occurs when executing a filter which uses the same parameter for multiple filter expressions in different parts.35598
When cancelling the execution of entity filter with filter parameters, the entity filter result is not updated.36062
Log node in System explorer tree cannot be expanded if one of the child filters contains a parameter for the MessageTypeId property.35948
Changes to Application pool implementation on Servers cannot be saved.
Workflow designerReset of toolbox items removes all referenced Webservice client activities.35856
Script and functionsRecursion in XML schema is not always detected when the schema is imported.28893
SAS proxyiCore SAS Proxy fails to start.35838
AdministratorWhen adding a REST Web Service Client, an error can occur during the download of swagger definitions that contain circular references.34451
XML schema types are sometimes not listed correctly in Administrator and Web Administrator.35690
"Sequence contains no elements" error is thrown when navigating in the System Monitor on a system with no Servers.35782
Execution of Attached machines filter that uses the 'Valid' property in sorting causes an error.35862
Web API EditorWeb API editor crashes during compilation when a non-nullable type is decorated with XmlElementAttribute( IsNullable = false).35571
Webservice ClientCompilation of REST Web service client activities fails when OpenApi description does not specify a host.35899
ToolsiCore Web applications installed in sub directories cannot be updated with Powershell scripts.35903
Import and exportImport of Web service client entity filter from iCore version 2.84 causes exception because of missing type IWebServiceDefinition.36234
DocumentationThe help file for iCore Public API downloaded from iCore Member pages cannot be opened.36090
Shortcut to iCore Integration Suite help file refers to the wrong location.36334
Known issues for iCPS v4.0 Update 1
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web APIWarnings appear in the Web API editor for the default template due to mismatched assembly versions.32917
Web AdministratorThe text for the edit component definition menu item in the context menu for component configuration is not correctly updated if the defintion type is changed.35002
REST Webservice Clients cannot be compiled.36319

v4.0 RTM

Version: 4.0.50156.0
Release date: 2017-05-23

  1. When upgrading from a version prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7, the Logon account on iCore System Access Service and iCore Management Service will be reset to Local System Account. Please check the logon information of these accounts in Computer Management\Services before upgrading from versions prior to 3.30 Update 5 SP7. After upgrade, the logon information must be updated.When upgrading from 3.30 Update 5 SP7 and later versions, this is performed automatically.

Please read the Known issues before installing!

New functionality
AreaDescription                  Id
AS2Support for secure data transport via the AS2 protocol is now available.30031
Public typesiCore Public API exposes Node relations.23574
IPartnerAttributeValue exposes properties for 'Modified date', 'Description' and 'Default value'.26583
ISettingAttributeValue exposes properties for 'Modified date', 'Description' and 'Default value'.26585
IEvent exposes Jobs created by an Event.26697
IJob exposes Events created by a Job.26698
IJob exposes Nodes created by a Job.26699
ILogEntry exposes the Source property.27172
Crypto.X509Certificates.CertificateMemoryStore is available.30891
IPartnerRepository exposes operations to Create, Update and Delete.33627
ISettingRepository exposes operations to Create, Update and Delete.33628
IPartner exposes SetAttributeValue.33629
ISetting exposes SetAttributeValue.33630
INode exposes operation Save.33631
INode exposes SetAttributeValue and the value property of the attributes collection items is writable.33632
ISetting.AttributeGroups is exposed as a modifiable collection.33650
IPartner exposes method CopyAttributeGroupsFrom to copy attribute groups from another partner.33651
INode.Attributes is exposed as a modifiable collection.33666
Attribute types in iCore.LocalSystem.Partners, iCore.LocalSystem.Settings and iCore.LocalSystem.Nodes have writable value properties.34912
GetAll method is available in iCore.Public.Api repository for Event configuration.35404
GetAll method is available in iCore.Public.Api repository for Event types.35405
GetAll method is available in iCore.Public.Api repository for Node types.35406
GetAll method is available in iCore.Public.Api repository for Node type version.35407
GetAll method is available in iCore.Public.Api repository for Timers.35408
iCore.Public.Entities.WebServiceCompilationOptions.UseCachedWSDL is now deprecated. The functionality is still accessible as iCore.Public.Entities.WebServiceCompilationOptions.UseCachedDefinition.35669
Script and functionsAll implementations of Crypto objects have been removed.25860
Encrypt/Decrypt methods on Mail message object have been removed.25861
FTPS property ConcurrentConnections is now available.27619
Default implementations for InFile and Structure have been rewritten i managed mode.28293
New Script functions available for UUEncoding.35260
Adapterflow activitiesIt is now possible to set the socket timeout for M3/Movex data activities.33578
iCore APINative implementation of iCore API has been removed.31761
WEB APINew Entity – Web API definition. [Preview]. Enables publishing of REST APIs.32225
Web service client (previously called Web service definition) now supports REST APIs using OpenAPI specification. [Preview]33465
SeriLog logging framework is now supported in Web API definitions (file logging only).35388
CmdletsNew cmdlet - Copy-iCorePartnerAttributes33106
UseCachedWSDL is now deprecated as CompilationSource. The functionality is still accessible as UseCachedDefinition.35669
Web AdministratorTree nodes in the system explorer has command for open result in new browser window or tab.26273
The recommended web browser for the Web Administrator tool has changed from Internet Explorer 10 to Internet Explorer 11.34573
EntitiesNew entity - Attached machine.29065
Data protection is a new feature which limits access to sensitive data in an iCore system.
Selected Node/Partner/Setting attributes that contains sensitive data are configured as Protected. Only selected iCore Users are allowed to read or update protected values. Protected values can be stored in an encrypted form in the iCore database. Export file can be encrypted, which is required when export set contains protected values.
Maximum Node attribute value length is extended to the maximum length of the SQL nvarchar type.30303
Maximum User name length is extended to 256 characters.30304
Maximum Component configuration name length is extended to 256 characters.30556
Entity Web service definition has been renamed to Web service client.34471
Workflow activitiesNew activity – Re-run Job.24572
Workflow activity Send e-mail supports DSN (Deliver Status Notification).26040
The Reg exp object exposes argument Syntax format.26271
FTPS property ConcurrentConnections is now available.27619
Build component toolUseCachedWSDL is now deprecated as value to argument wssource. The functionality is still accessible as UseCachedDefinition.35669
InstallationLog file created during system upgrade is saved under the common Log directory [%ProgramData%\iCore Solutions\iCPS\Logs].29935
DocumentationInformation about iCore services running in Windows (e.g. System Access Service, Management service) has been added to iCIS help file.34594
OtheriCIS is updated to target .Net Framework
The "Clean-up Tracking" Activity (used by Daily Maintenance) has undergone some major changes to significantly improve performance and allow better tuning of its parameters for less performance impact on running systems. The changes also affects the way tracking clean-up is performed. For more information, refer to the Clean-up Tracking topic in the iCIS help file, as well the documentation of the Common package.35281
Bug fixes
AreaDescription                  Id
Web AdministratorSAS terminates without writing to the event log if it does not have write access to its configuration file.34483
The argument lists in Job and Event details views are not sorted by name by default.35317
Workflow designerThe "About iCore Workflow Designer" dialog is too narrow to display complete iCore version text.30607
Items listed by control are not sorted alphabetically when editing the following activities:

      Activity: Get Partner Attribute Value Arguments: Partner ID, Attribute ID
      Activity: Set Partner Attribute Value Arguments: Partner ID, Attribute ID
      Activity: Get Setting Attribute Value Arguments: Setting ID, Attribute ID
      Activity: Set Setting Attribute Value Arguments: Setting ID, Attribute ID.
Script and functionsIt is possible to select a structure defined in a base Script in the Import structure dialog when deleting or updating an imported structure.30705
Parsing Infile does not fail with "no record match" when a group at the bottom of the structure cannot have more repetitions and additional data remains [managed implementation].32309
In a structure where Repetitions is set to zero on a Group or a Record: The Group or Record cannot be repeated at all [managed implementation].33748
AddHtml method on Mail Message object does not respect the encoding of the HTML file.33752
Adapterflows and activitiesProperty 'Upload block size' is not used by SFTP Reader Adapterflow activity and has been Removed.Property 'Download block size' is not used by SFTP Writer Adapterflow activity and has been removed.24557
Upgrade date is missing on Adapterflows.29311
AdministratorListing entity filters in the document pane and switching view mode to small icons results in a "Null reference exception".29255
Entity filter "All by visibility" is missing Category System defined/filters29299
Entity OS event log has been removed.34518
Runtime and serviceIf a connection to a Server is lost in a clustered system, and that system was previously stopped and then started again, there is a log entry incorrectly stating that "The server has been shut down".29004
Sysadm utilityUpgrading an iCore system with many Adapterflows may result in a 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.35186
Known issues for iCPS v4.0
AreaDescription                  Id
Runtime and serviceA Workflow built on a busy "while(true);" (without any i/o or waits) might generate error: [The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.]10269
Reconfiguration of TCP endpoint of management service does not work after configuring an incorrect endpoint.19868
WorkflowsWorkflow-generated activities for web services using the SOAP RPC/Encoded format currently does not work as expected.20417
Script and functionsHttp Clients in Scripts does correctly decompress a compressed response when the responding server sends a 100 Continue header before the actual response.34847
XML validation fails when using schema specified with 'noNamespaceSchemaLocation' attribute.35707
Workflows and AdapterflowsWhen a certificate's private key is created from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2, the key is lost. The issue is applicable to Workflows and Adapterflows.
This may happen in a scenario similar to this:

1. An instance of System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 is used for loading a certificate (that contains a private key) from a file.
2. Then the factory method iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.Certificate.CreateFrom(X509Certificate2) is used to get an instance of iCore.Public.Crypto,X509Certificates.ICertificate.
3. The instance of iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates.ICertificate is then used as input to an activity.

The private key is lost once the instance of X509Certificate2 is garbage collected by the .Net framework.

Workaround for Workflows: Declare a variable of X509Certificate2 in a scope activity (activity that has inner activities like sequence) to avoid garbage collection while activities that uses the certificate is executed.

Workaround for Adapterflows: Not available.
SAS ServiceThe iCore SAS service is still listed (but not running) after an update that removes the iCore SAS feature.33530
Web APIWarnings appear in the Web API editor for the default template due to mismatched assembly versions.32917
Web AdministratorThe text for the edit component definition menu item in the context menu for component configuration is not correctly updated if the defintion type is changed.35002