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Version: 4.2.5

Build Component Tool


The Build component tool is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of iCIS.

We recommend that you use the PowerShell cmdlets instead.

The Build component tool lets you compile Component definitions and Web service clients directly from the Command Prompt.

To run the Build component tool

  1. Start the Command Prompt.

  2. Go to directory \Program Files (x86)\iCore.

  3. Run BuildComponent.exe with the desired input parameters.


    Running BuildComponent.exe without input parameters will result in an error. However, detailed information about required parameters is displayed in the Command Prompt window (as below).


    If you try to compile a Component definition (Adapterflows, Scripts, Workflows or Web APIs) which is locked by another user, the compile will fail.


    If you attempt to compile/build an iCore entity immediately after iCore has been upgraded, you may receive the following error:

    Loading this assembly would produce a different grant set from other instances.  

    The reason this error occurs is that the installation program queues assemblies for native image generation in the background, and this process is not necessarily complete even though the upgrade has finished. To solve or prevent the problem:

    • If you have performed a "manual" iCore upgrade: Restart the application you are using to build the entity and repeat the build operation.

    • If you are performing "automatic" iCore upgrades, where compilation of entities is started automatically after the upgrade procedure, you can prevent the error by forcing native image generation after the installation but before compiling any entities. To do this, run the command ngen.exe executeQueuedItems.

      The ngen.exe tool is installed with the .NET framework directory and is normally found in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ngen.exe.

Input parameters

The Build component tool can be run with the following parameters:

System options (required)/s, /systemidSpecifies the iCore system ID for the script.
/u, /userThe iCore user name to use in credentials.
/p, /passwordThe password for the iCore user name to use in credentials.
Input specification options/all <type>Builds all entities of the specified type, where <type> is either "Scripts", "AdapterFlows", "Workflows", "WebServiceClients", "WebApi" or "All".
/sc <scriptname>Builds the Script(s) specified by <scriptname>. "*" can be used as a wildcard character.
/af <adapterName>Builds the Adapterflow(s) specified by <adapterName>. "*" can be used as a wildcard character.
/ws <webServiceName>Builds the Web service client(s) specified by <webServiceName>. "*" can be used as a wildcard character.
/wf <workflowName>Builds the Workflow(s) specified by <workflowName>. "*" can be used as a wildcard character.
/webapi <webApiName>Builds the Web API(s) specified by <webApiName>. "*" can be used as a wildcard character.
Script specific options/d, /debugDebug build.
/m, /modifiedOnly build Components that have been modified.
/nosourceBuild without generating source code.
/wbase, /withbasescriptsInclude inherited Scripts from the specified Script(s).
/wdep, /withdependenciesInclude dependencies (entire "inheritance" chain) of specified Script.
/wder, /withderivedInclude Scripts derived from the specified Script.
Web service client specific options/wssource <source>Specifies whether the cached data is used. Valid values for <source> are: "IgnoreAllCache", "UseCachedDefinition", "UseCachedCode" (default). The <source> parameter UseCachedDefinition rebuilds the web service client based on the definition cached in the iCore system.
Output options/q, /quietNo output.
/v, /verboseVerbose (detailed) output.
/w, /warnDisplay warnings.
/summary [<file>]Create a summary of the build. If <file> is specified the summary is also written to that file, otherwise just to the console.
Common/mt, /maxthreadcountMaximum number of threads to use for building.

See Also


Component definitions
Component configuration


Run comp tool