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Version: 4.2.5

iCore Events via RemoteInput Object (COM/DCOM)

ERemoteInput-object allows you to create an iCore Event from tools that can call automation objects. It uses the same object as iCoreTrig.exe.

ERemoteEvent supports IErrorInfo. We strongly recommend using this mechanism whenever a method returns an HResult other than S_OK.


CLSID_ERemoteEventGlobal unique identifier (GUID) for object.
IID_IERemoteEventGlobal unique identifier (GUID) for interface.


InitInitiates the RemoteInput-object. Init must be called before other methods.
BeginEventStarts a new Event.
BeginEventExStarts a new Event that allows several parameters.
BeginEventEx2Starts a new Event that allows several parameters. BeginEventEx2 is a version of BeginEventEx, that can be called even if the datatype DATE is not supported.
CommitEventSyncPerforms a synchronous Event.
CommitEventAsyncPerforms an asynchronous Event.
CommitEventAsync2Performs an asynchronous Event. A version of CommitEventAsync that can be called even if the datatype VARIANT_BOOL is not supported.
RollbackEventAborts a non-committed Event (an event started by a BeginEvent or BeginEventEx call, but not performed by CommitEventSync or CommitEventAsync).
SetDataAttribSets the value of an attribute to data (a Node) sent with the Event. Valid attribute is iCoreDA_NodeName.
SendDataSends text data to be sent with the Event (creates a Node and writes data to Node file).
SendDataExSends text data with character set identifier to be sent with the Event (creates a Node and writes data to Node file).
SendBinaryDataSends binary data to be sent with the Event (creates a Node and writes data to Node file).

Only one Node is created per Event.


You can use either SendData or SendBinaryData for each Begin/Commit (not both).

Maximum size of Event parameters

The maximum size of serialized Event parameters is 4 MB. This limitation derives from MSMQ and applies to all functions that create an Event, including return values sent via a synchronuous Event and functions that send responses via iCore API.

See Also

RemoteInput object Example