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Version: 4.5.1

.NET API Overview

The iCPS .Net API is a collection of public .Net types available for iCore Developers using the .Net enabled development tools provided by iCore. These APIs are also available using third-party tools like Microsoft Visual Studio.


The only way to access all public .Net types is from within a Workflow definition. For Adapterflows, a limited set of public types is available. This set is a superset of the public types available in Adapterflows for iCPS v2.

For more information, see Workflow reference.


iCore.LocalSystemThe iCore.LocalSystem namespace contains types generated from definitions in the local iCore system.
iCore.Public.AS2The iCore.Public.AS2 namespace contains types used when working with AS2.
iCore.Public.CoreThe iCore.Public.Core namespace contains fundamental types used throughout the iCore public API.
iCore.Public.CryptoThe iCore.Public.Crypto namespace contains types related to cryptography and certificate management.
iCore.Public.Crypto.SslThe iCore.Public.Crypto.Ssl namespace contains types related to SSL.
iCore.Public.Crypto.X509CertificatesThe iCore.Public.Crypto.X509Certificates namespace contains types related to X509 certificates.
iCore.Public.Crypto.XmlThe iCore.Public.Crypto.Xml namespace contains types related to XML signing and verification.
iCore.Public.EntitiesThe iCore.Public.Entities namespace contains types related to entities in an iCore System.
iCore.Public.Entities.RepositoriesThe iCore.Public.Entities.Repositories namespace contains types providing access to iCore Entities from a System.
iCore.Public.FtpThe iCore.Public.Ftp namespace contains types related to FTP(S) and SFTP.
iCore.Public.InteropThe iCore.Public.Interop namespace contains types used for interoperability with iCore Invoke.
iCore.Public.TypesThe iCore.Public.Types namespace contains common types used throughout the iCPS Public API.
iCore.Public.Types.HttpThe iCore.Public.Types.Http namespace contains common types related to HTTP.
iCore.Public.Types.MailThe iCore.Public.Types.WebApi namespace contains common types related to e-mail.
iCore.Public.Types.PkiThe iCore.Public.Types.Pki namespace contains common types related to PKI..
iCore.Public.Types.v2The iCore.Public.Types.v2 namespace contains types used for interoperability with iCore version 2.
iCore.Public.Types.WebApiThe iCore.Public.Types.WebApi namespace contains common types related to iCore Web APIs.
iCore.Public.WsmqThe iCore.Public.Wsmq namespace contains common types related to WSMQ.