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Version: 4.2.5

Node type version


Modifying this entity requires certain user authorization. For more information, see User Groups.

In addition to Node type and Node attributes, Node type version is a further specification of the information in a Node. Some Node types exist in different versions. Earlier and later generations of EDIFACT or XML specifications, for example, require that you specify a Node type version.

Examples of Node types versions are XML 1.0, EDIFACT D96A and Inhouse 4.2.


CreatedDateTimeDate and time when the Node type version was created. Automatically generated by the system.
DescriptionStringBrief description of the Node type version. Automatically generated by the system.
Entity typeEntityTypeSpecifies the entity type. The property is Read-only and is only displayed in filter listings to identify the entity type. It can be used for example when filtering on entities with a filter containing an 'All' part. For more information, see Entity filters.
IDGuidThe entity ID of the Node type version. Automatically generated by the system.
ModifiedDateTimeDate and time of the latest modification of the Node type version. Automatically generated by the system.
NameStringName of the Node type version.
System InternalBooleanSpecifies whether the entity is a built-in system entity (True) or a customized application entity created to meet the requirements of the business flows (False). A system entity is read-only and cannot be deleted since it may be used by system script(s). New system entities can only be added by certified iCore personnel.

See Also


Node type
Node attribute